I had a bad day yesterday. I rarely have bad days. When I do, its on the order of cosmic misalignment. Many things go wrong. I make goofy mistakes. And then announce them in public.
It seems I'll be the guest crafts columnist in this month's Modern Jackass Magazine .
So. Referring to yesterday's post: There's nothing wrong with the way the Laceup Fingerless Mitts are written, I remain an AlterKnits fan. When I ripped back and started again, I realized the thumb gussets are pretty much centered. All I needed to do was flip the friggin' mitt over, put it back on my arm and give it a little tug. The open eyeleted area would have fallen on the correct side of my arm.
Now that I'm redoing the gusset. I'll move it 3 or 4 stitches around to make a definite right handed mitt but its truly NOT necessary.
As far as bad days go, could have been worse than ripping out half a mitt and trumpeting it on a blog. Last bad day I wiped out all the work - hundreds of digital images- on an external hardrive . Yesterday's lowpoint? The above mentioned idiocy. Followed by the dramatic smashing of a wine glass filled with orange juice and EmergenC vitamin fizz- it looks festive that way, I thought it'd cheer me up- as it took a dive across my laptop keyboard. Then I went to bed.
Hopefully today will be a better day. I'm glad you worked out your fingerless mitts dilemma!
Most definitely something that would happen to me!
Aw Gale, just read about your terrible/horrible/nogood/verybad day. What a trifecta of misery. I hope your weekend somehow tidied itself up.
BTW, your cashmere lace scarf is GARGEOUS. I've been craving a little lace projeck myself.
Love your Fiesta. Vintage?
All the rest is Emergen-C under the bridge, ya know? xoxo Kay aka Shrug Fiend
Leave No Child Unshrugged!
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