That oddly shaped purple hat I was making to go with the fingerless mitts gift last entry, well, when it was done I thought to myself "huh, that's a weird one" . Plopping it on my own head, went to the mirror for a good laugh and discovered that Libby and Lee-Ann were right - they both commented encouraging things about it- its totally wearable. Maybe even stylish.
I then had to grab me some other bumpy yarn and cast on to replicate my
By the morning light, now I've got ridge. The hat is looking more Suess than Cirque.
More hats: both Sons Who Don't Wear Wool took an interest in having a hat knit for them. This is a startling turn. The younger one felt some cashmere and said he wouldn't mind a hat made from it. Umm...... no. I'll pop for some merino. The older one asked for "something I can wear mostly at home to, y'know, squoosh down my hair so it won't be puffy when I go out".
There is no puff in his hair. But I know better than to debate hair with a 15 year old. I played it cool and said in as close to a monotone as I could, "well..since we'll be in Northampton on Saturday, we can stop by Webs and I guess you can pick some yarn out." Inside? I was jumping up and down, chattering with exclamation points. Anyway, I'd already planned on dragging him & his cousin to Webs before we left town , now I had an excuse they could relate to. He hasn't asked me to knit anything since a purple sweater with penguins on it in kindergarten. I hopped right on that one too. I don't think that's what put him off saw a lot of action. Really.
My traveling companions in Noho - please try not to be distracted by the hair that so obviously needs squooshing on the right-
Every winter I try to make close fitting 2x2 rib hats that don't have wonkiness in the decreases or top shaping.
Thanks for the comments on the ribbon and laceup mittens.
Hi Gale, Remember me? of the Scarf Style book? Still haven't knit anything out of the AS book but I will, no fear!
I too loved the lace up eggplants..they are gorgeous.
Not sure why Blogger makes all your comments anonymous...I get comments on my blog and they come straight to my email inbox with a name. Hope the "squoosh" hat is acceptable, it is great!
Please please PLEASE post a pattern or something for your Cirque du Seuss hat - I'd love to knit one for my son. He's 6 and is REALLY into knit things right now... :)
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