Wednesday, November 01, 2023


 Why not post ?Sharing this article from the Wonderful Machine blog

Last spring I did this colorful crazy maximalist photo shoot as part of the lineup for Berroco, my dear client.   I won't go on and on about the backstory for it because I already did! It's linked in this spotlight.

Here's a photo from my Rhinebeck weekend- it says it all!Accidentally twinning with Beverly Army Williams  

A few more details about this

- I became friends with Beverly through blogging waaaaay back ! We both had very dark brown hair. Since then we've crafted, traveled, worked and taught together.and most years we meet up and do the sheep and wool festivals together. We live on opposite ends of our small state so I love that we have keep us connected.

-The twinning was 100% unintentional. We'd both acquired this gorgeous marled yarn from Starcroft Fiber when helping with a shearing years ago.  Beverly knit her sweater not long after. I knit a sweater that was too large . I frogged it and did nothing till this year, when I knit this Felix , shown here unblocked hot off the needles. I am nothing if not consistently 11th hour!

- NY Sheep and Wool remains the one place you feel thrilled to walk around in almost identical outfits with a friend as a grownup, not a tween!

--Hot tip! Do NOT go through all your stash/WIPs the night before attending a sheep and wool fest because your housemates are doing a "bring yarn to swap " table!  It totally killed my interest in getting the sweater quantity of yarn I thought I was going to shop for. OTOH here are just a few of the minis I brought home to make into stripey hats for my littles, from the swap table.

What are you up to? And what are you reading/ recommend to read?


Kym said...

Why not a Wednesday, indeed! It's always a good day to read what you're up to, Gale. And I gotta say . . . every time you post photos of your Berroco photo shoots, I am immediately ready to go out and buy all the yarns and make all the things! You do a beautiful job highlighting beautiful designs. (And I adore that photo of you and Beverly together.) XO

Carole said...

I'm so happy to see you show up with a blog post, doesn't matter what the day of the week is! And seeing you and Bev together is wonderful, two of my favorite knitters that I've actually been with IRL. As for reading, I just finished Wellness by Nathan Hill and it's absolutely wonderful. Maybe one of the best books I've ever read!

Vicki Knitorious said...

How nice to see you... and Beverly, too! Those minis are going to make some AMAZING hats!!

Cuddles said...

Appreciation for your thought-provoking content. Your post resonated with me.

España said...

Thank you for the actionable insights that I can apply to my life.

Ethan Romero said...

Veery nice post