Wednesday, July 30, 2008

think red wednesday v2

If there's two, it must be a series.
Wednesdays are for the Red Scarf Project. A quick reminder to cast on a scarf , hit the donate button for the scholarship fund, or throw a few coins into a jar to donate later. More preachiness here.

This week's red is my water bottle. I love my water bottle. When I was traveling around the country working on Shear Spirit, I was scolded by strangers repeatedly that I should STOP carrying around beat up refilled plastic water bottles (the kind you buy by the 6 pack) because I would DIE. The first time I thought the info came from a particularly neurotic person, but then, it became an almost daily thing, no matter where I went. I mentioned it to a friend who hustled us off to buy Siggs.

Best twenty bucks I ever spent. I've saved about $ 300. in bottled water not purchased this year, and no more dealing with the empties. More bottle talk here.

Looks like I strayed from red to green. Back to scarf talk next Wednesday.


Mary Lou said...

I have a water bottle quite like that one, but where is it, maybe I'd better go look for it, then I'll see that I never washed and put my mittens away, is it too late now, oh here's the shirt I meant to iron last week... see you are not alone!

Carole Knits said...

I have a red Sigg bottle, too, but my pattern isn't as pretty as yours.

the Lady said...

Wait, wait wait. How is it that there is no Red Scarf Project group on Ravlery? That would be such a great way to share scarves!

Nice bottle. I've got a stainless steel one, but I've been thinking about a Sigg.