Monday, November 02, 2015

november post 2: what's your sweater starting rule?

I loved reading the comments from yesterday's post regarding my scheming to knit the Holland sweater, while owning how slow my sweater-in-progress is going. To be fair, Mary Lou, who said I should make the new pattern but only after I finish the one at hand is so right. She knows the slo-mo project is a test knit I'm doing for her, for a book project we've been working on together....and she knows what happens once I get distracted. Trouble. It's a fabulous pattern, by the way, so I have no complaints.

Anyway, she didn't have to worry. I'm in the same camp as Michele/pdxKnitterati who said she has rules about cheating on her sweater underway (Ok she didn't put it that way, but you know that's what it is).  Until I read her comment, I didn't realize I have the same rule.  I'm fine with casting on a different kind of knit--I have a shawl, a scarf, a pair of socks, a blanket all in various stages of done--and various levels of challenging, if you know what I mean. Like, a scarf that needs me to count stitches and switch colors but a blanket that's super simple...but I'll only work on one sweater at a time. In fact I pretty much will only work on one of each kind of project at a time.
Am I alone? What are your personal  guidelines for starting projects? Isn't it funny how we make up rules for ourselves? (and, ummm, then break them?).


Carole said...

I'd say I have a similar rule. I like to have 1 complicated project, 1 traveling project (i.e. the one that goes in my pocketbook), and 1 easy project. I find when I have too many things going on that I feel like I never make any progress on anything.

steph said...

How funny! I never gave that a thought, but looking over my UFOs (in every nook and cranny and closet and even under the bed...) I have just about one (or two) of 'everything' started. The minute I have two of something started....I immediately seem to ditch both and move on to something else. Is it the pressure of the multitudes? I keep trying to tell's ALL knitting, so just grab something old and KNIT on it. At the moment, I'm being somewhat monogamous with a blanket...the only blanket/afghan started at the moment, and am dreaming of the next one I'm going to start. (while the 4 sweaters, two cowls, two--pairs--of socks, 2 mittens, 3 hats, assorted Christmas ornaments, and a couple headbands are all patiently waiting in time-out.) I need a support group.

Mary Lou said...

My first response was - There are no rules in knitting! But I do tend to be monogamous with sweaters. Dalliances on the side, bien sur. I've been knitting socks for gosh sakes. Happy judging!

Vicki Knitorious said...

Hm. I don't know. I'd say that generally that's a "rule" in my knitting, but not always. And I have a problem with actual finishing, so technically there are plenty of similar WIPs.

Lee said...

I don't do rules very well, especially in knitting. I am easily distracted by the new and shiny. That said, I find that I finish small things and leave sweaters (adult sized) languishing. There are at least three on the needles now. Maybe better just to admit that I don't have the attention span for a sweater and stick to the littles?

margene said...

I've become an almost-monogamous knitter and I've just started a sweater so I'm going to stay true to it and, occasionally, work on the shawl that is a long-time project.

pdxknitterati/MicheleLB said...

Sweaters are such an investment, both in time and yarn dollars! In my designing life, I tend to stick to one or two skeins, max. I have a short attention span. And I didn't tell you that there's another sweater on the needles, but it's been languishing for 2 years. It doesn't count because it's pretty much an abandoned project; I didn't like the sleeves so it's in semi-permanent time out. That doesn't count!

Elizabeth D said...

First, there is no rule about how many socks can be in progress. Sweaters, though - that's tricky. You can cast on a baby sweater anytime. But you can't cast on the next adult sweater until you're on the last piece of the preceding one -- sleeve, or collar, or the last seam if it's one you knit flat.

Tyche's Minder said...

What a great topic. I hadn't thought about it, but my rule is clearly, 'if I have the free equipment, i'll start it.' This probably explains why I always feel the need for 'just one more piece of equipment' -- one more drop spindle, one more loom, one more set of needles...Sometimes I even finish things.

Melissa said...

I usually try to have different projects based on difficulty. Right now I have two shawl, two pairs of socks, a sweater (almost done), a blanket, and I need to cast on a cowl and a hat at least. For the shawls one is garter stitch and one is lace. The socks are similar. One is a simple plain sock that I knit on while on the treadmill. The other has a slightly more complicated pattern. (One is for DH, one for me.) The sweater is a two color, plain knit. The blanket is a lace baby blanket that I'm designing as I knit. The cowl will be on size 15 needles, and the hat is Wooly Wormhead's MKAl. I think maybe I need a rule about how many things are on needles.