Insist on knitting a sock of questionable appeal during group watching of international sporting events, and suspenseful movies, too. Punctuate the most engaging parts of either by saying " wow, this really is pretty ugly, isn't it?" and " does this look like something I'll wear?". When it is suggested that maybe you'd be happier knitting something else, insist that you want to get 'er done. Even if it'll need a mate.

Then when finished, try it on, maybe as Apolo Ohno waits for the short track finals starter horn. In response to the look on your loved ones' faces when you ask them to agree with you about how unappealing the sock is, say " Really? You think they're THAT bad?".
Oh don't go feeling sorry for them. They drive me crazy too. Besides, I've moved on, I'm knitting my new Felicity now and oh am I happy with this yarn. It feels like velvet knit up, isn't that weird?
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
Announcement to the local sheep peeps: I'm the lunchtime book author presentation at the Scranton Library in Madison CT this Thursday, 2/25 from 12:30-2:30. It's a slide talk about working on Shear Spirit, cleverly titled: She Shoots Sheep Shots. Bring your knitting! Bring your lunch ! No charge! Detail here
Oh, good. I'm not the only one. I think they are bright and cheery.
Thanks for editing the link - I was confused by the previous one as it didn't look the same.
I'm about to do some credit card damage. :-)
I'm glad that you have moved on to something more to your taste.
Oh, I love the socks. They remind me of something pleasant from my childhood but I haven't figured out what yet :>)....Happy Knitting!
Yes, the sock colorway is startling, but definitely cheery! You can always wear them with boots! OR, you could overdye them with Kool-Ade!!!
I drive Larry nuts while we're watching TV and I'm knitting or crocheting. He particularly loves it when I'm muttering instructions to myself. He keeps saying, "What? What" Are you talkin' to me?"
I like the socks. Quite cheerful. I have a friend who says red socks are warmer, so maybe bright colors in general are. I loved the olympic knitting pestering - we all do drive one another crazy, no?
Oh no... I'll be in school. Too bad, I adore knitting events. And Scranton for its knitting book collection and interlibrary loan for them.
(I was the lone spinner at the RJ Julia's signing way back, by the way... Still reading your blog!)
hahaha...I did that to dh too. Good to know I'm not the only one.
I think the sock is perfect for winter blues.
Goodness gracious, that's bright.
Definitely a good sock for winter - all that color to counteract the gray blahs...
I LOVE those socks! I can almost smell that freshly opened box of crayons!
i still think they will be perfect, if only one day a year... May 5th!
I love the rainbow socks. No need to wear them with Mary Janes, just put them under your boggs boots and smile all day to yourself, kinda like when you wear those really awesome underwear, and only you know.
The socks are kind of crayolaish, but I bet they'll make you happy every time you put them on. I love the way you write, so funny and approachable.
I wish I could attend one of your talks, one of these days... I love the thought of knitting with velvet and have to find that yarn to caress. Those are pretty darn bright, but then socks are partially hidden by shoes anyway.
Wow! You colored all that white yarn with Sharpies??? You are truly amazing! ;-)
Gosh, love the color for the new Felicity. :-) The crayola socks are pretty bold . . . but some days you really NEED bold!
I LOVE those socks!!!!! What yarn did you use and is it commercially available? I must have socks like that. It'll drive my family crazy!
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