Wednesday, November 16, 2016

november post 10: postcard to november

Dear November,
This image might have been shot in September but it feels like you. Dark. With some elements that I love, some gathering, some essence of cold and wet, and still some light coming through.  So far, you've been tough to enjoy--or, to even steady on- but I'm trying............

This week I'm
traveling: crack of dawn Wednesday down to Maryland/DC for a family visit. My traveling companions are Zoe (almost 5) and my 23 year old son, who is going into the service in the coming months and wants to see his grandparents and cousins before he heads off to who knows where. That is a sentence I never thought I'd be writing. Having kids is just a roller coaster ride that keeps going and going, isn't it?

knitting: well, of course! In my head I am knitting gifts--and I'll be  aiming for Line Leader in the Mason Dixon Gift KAL.  (only someone who hangs with a pre-schooler would say something ike that, y'know)  But I haven't event touched the gift knitting. Yet. On my needles, the Zacapa sweater is moving along nicely, a Grand Central  Scarf* in Rifton is entertaining me, and I just cast on a Colorbreak  Hat because of Vicki's three.There's something about quick hats this time of year. And this one is for me.

planning for Craft Friday: I'm looking forward to pulling out the stops for the thanksgiving feast followed by Friday making things. I'm torn between knitting some gifts that day---or maybe sewing...or stitching...or crocheting the very rocks you see on the postcard....or or...what about you?

* the Grand Central scarf has high entertainment factor.It is knit in the round in a slip stitch sequence that has all the good feels of the Honey Cowl. The area that will be fringe gets unraveled and snipped when you are done knitting and just like that you have a scarf.


  1. I never thought of comparing Grand Central to Honey Cowl - It really is like that. I may have to make another one!

  2. Travel safely! And, I like your idea for a wheel of Rifton! Hmmm...

  3. Friday will be all about the WIP(works in process) that have gotten stuck for various reasons. Unstuck thy self or begone!

  4. Safe travels! I am looking forward to some peace and quiet once Thanksgiving ends. I know that December is usually a circus, but I'm just determined to have a break. (And yeah. Parenting is a never-ending thing. Who knew???)

  5. Safe travels & happy visiting!!

  6. Wishing all the best for your son, and you! My son (turning 19 this coming Saturday) was a hairs-breath from joining the USMC, as a trumpet player, but decided now wasn't the right time for him. While I supported his decision, I'm glad he delayed and chose college first.

    I'm in for Craft Friday, too! Two sweaters to knit, one each for my two teenagers, between now and Christmas (hopefully :-D ), I hope to spend the day relaxing with family, and getting lots of knitting done.

    Happy and safe travels to you! And to your son, everywhere his journey takes him.

  7. Wow, as though you needed another thing to sober you up. All my best to your son. A military stint can be wonderful for training and experience.


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