Friday, November 18, 2016

november post 11: hats - bts Jill Draper Makes Stuff/Walkill River

Behind the Scenes: Rural Renewal photo shoot for Jill Draper Makes Stuff
Let's talk about Walkill River, designed by Thea Coleman. When Jill asked me to shoot the Rural Renewal collection, she sent a mood board. I loved the styling/vibe --eclectic, casual, textural, with imperfect surfaces. And chickens! What did I think using an historic property in the Hudson Valley as the location? Yes, please.  And a wonderful model, the artist Caitlin Parker.
 I asked if there were animals at the location--specifically chickens. No. But the groundskeeper had a couple of pets. A cat, a cockatiel.... a dove. When our model put on this sweater and hat knit in Windham yarn, we brought Snowy the dove out. I thought maaaaybe he'd allow himself to be held for a few quick shot.  Nope! Snowy was not into being held. He is all about shoulder perching.
But he actually prefers heads. And to be the center of attention, not a styling detail. Note to Thea:  doves are the new pompom.  After deigning to look left and right for a few frames atop the Walkill River hat,  Snowy looked around for an even better and higher perch.
Which was Jill, the unsuspecting BossLady herself. 
I know. Put a bird on it. Someone has to say it.
It really is a fantastic design. The wiggly ribbing gives it such good structure. I'm all about the hats this week. They are my comfort knitting. Immediate gratification plus they keep your head warm. And make a great gift. And cover your hair if you are trying to switch colors/styles/grooming. Just saying! If all goes as planned--which it rarely does- I'll be back with more hat talk on the weekend. 
What hats are on your horizon? I'm making my queue and checking it twice.


  1. Fabulous photos but I would expect no less!

  2. I was laughing out loud looking at these shots - fabulous!

  3. Awesome photos, Gale! You inspire me to be more! And, it does not hurt to have some incredibly photogenic subjects!

  4. "doves are the new pom-pom." Hahahahahahaha! Perfect! Here in Los Angeles, it's pigeon poms!

  5. what a great beginning to my weekend......made me smile!!!!!

  6. What a fun photo shoot -- and what a great hat! It's snowing here this morning, so hat-knitting sounds just perfect.

  7. Fantastic photo shoot and beautiful hat! Love how you got him mid step on her head. I am knitting another Norie Hat to match a shirt of mine. Pink! Zoe would definitely approve. :-)

  8. The picture of Jill laughing may be the happiest picture of all time! I'm with you on the hat knitting!

  9. I love seeing a dove in the post after you tell us that your son is joining the military. I am officially deeming it a good omen.

    Also, great photos. Of course.


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