Thursday, July 12, 2012

and on and on and on

Several times this spring I was fretting about my clothes. It boiled down to " If only I had a light frothy springy kinda wrap, I'd be all put together". I know this reveals I think putting a handknit wrap on yourself is "pulling your outfit together.  Just go with me here. 
Then I remembered starting this shawl way back, on an impulse.
You can see me showing off its early stages on Ellen Bloom's blog, in Los Angeles in 2010. Uh, huh, two years ago, put it aside shortly after the trip. At the time I thought it was a boring knit, plus I had mucho test knitting for Craft Activism, with deadlines.

 I worked on it briefly a year ago,  I hardly remember doing so.  Horrifyingly, I started that post almost the same way as this one. (I lack brain cells as well as gossamer shawls, apparently.)
It is not too boring for me this summer, although I find the loopy fine Be Sweet mohair not quite mindless. Is high maintenance mindless a project category?  If I knit quickly without looking, I stick my points through the little loopies that are halo fibers rather than the stitches.  Also, not great beach knitting, although the colors work for the setting.
Whatever. This summer, I am sticking with it till it's done. Come next spring 2013, watch out: I will be utterly put together.
It matched the yard pretty well last week, didn't it?


  1. I wondered what happened to that pretty shawl! Glad you're picking it up again!

  2. I understand exactly what you mean with that mohair. And in the heat? Blech. Happy Birthday!

  3. It's going to be awesome!

  4. You have a lot of shawl there already. You will be finished and looking mahvelous before you know it.


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