Monday, November 30, 2009

lessons learned

I started the month with some intentions & some assumptions.
Like NaPoBloMo. My day late start might have tipped you off to the outcome, right? I assumed it might bother me if I couldn't pull it off. There were three or four misses. Am I bothered by this? nah. Isn't it poetic justice this very post is actually too late to count as being in the month. Lame but OK. I also assumed if I posted regularly, I'd then have more bloglines subscribers. Ha! I lost one. Quantity? Quality? Whatever.

I intended to knit for the Red Scarf Project & to spread the word that more scarves are needed. My finished scarf needs blocking & fringing. I'm goning to squeeze out another. Better than that, Knit New Haven is dedicating all their Thursday Nights in December to Red Scarf Project knitting, they are now a Red Scarf Dropoff spot and they have a poster for the project on their window, on a very busy New Haven street. And it works! While I was there yesterday a customer saw it, and stated right then she was going to jump in & knit one. Yay for a new shop that's stepping up for the local knitting community and a good cause. See you there Thursday? if I can pull it off I am going to make Red Velvet cupcakes for the occasion. No idea how you make them but that's why they invented the internets, right?

I intended to see if the one good brussel sprout experience I had, a year ago in Montpelier VT, might be repeatable. I assumed I'd cook them passably well, and then I'd kind of let it go for another year till harvest time. Nu-uh! They were so good, I had to make them three more times that week, one of which was on Thanksgiving. So, referring to the rule of food partisanship , I will now be making roasted brussel sprouts with garlic sauteed red pepper & onions, couscous & a quick sprinkle of parmesan cheese for many many years to come.


  1. I've been wanting to check that store out since it opened...I'll be there on Thursday and skip SnB on Wednesday. I need some yarn for the RSP.

  2. I don't know if I'll make it on Thursday, but I have 3.75 scarves I can drop off.

    ideally, after I finish that last .25!

  3. I've got two scarves to send. I just have to wash and block!

    I got something real bad for Brussels sprouts right now. Cannot get enough of them. yumyumyum

  4. I like sprouts steamed, too, but roasting is the way to make converts!

  5. Ooooh, I have brussel sprouts in my fridge right now, waiting to be roasted. Yay for the New Haven shop!!! Wish I could be there Thursday for the red velvet cupcakes. Perhaps I will find some of those to have with my friend Joan (we are getting together to knit and nosh), and we can PRETEND that we are with youse guys.

  6. My daughter still says that the Red Velvet cake I made for her birthday two years ago was the worst. I think it would have been better with cream cheese frosting, and I'm sure yours will be delish. Your support of the Red Scarf project absolves you from knitting/posting pitfalls.

  7. I never really understood the draw of NaPoBloMo. Sounds rather painful and reminds me of all those oh so very structured English papers I had to write.


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