There are critters large, small, fuzzy, and porky. Yarn. High tea. What more could you want for a Monday???? Go read. And leave a comment there if you feel so inclined so they know you stopped by.

Here'e the souvenir yarn I reference in the writing, it's a skein of Lambstrings Ewetopia , in the process of becoming a Color Break Hat* because I am way into hats this week. Three observations on this knit:
1) it is the perfect pattern for skeins of very variegated yarn. For the first time ever I am wishing the yarn was even more contrasty/speckled. Instead of regretting falling for it in the skein.
2) the stitch pattern is easy to read, and creates a super cushy, quilted fabric, so it will be warmer than your average worsted weight hat knit on size 8 needles. Hygge win!
3) umm, do you think I have seasonally affected yarn hue choosing disorder? I mean, for real?
More from our visit to Long Island Livestock while shooting the MDK piece a couple of weekends ago.
Zoe has asked to go back every few days since. Can't blame her. Llama walking!
Sister Lulu came along too, and got this nice portrait of me, Sir Arthur and my Stopover. Note to self: a llama is a slimming accessory. You heard it here first.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
I'm with Zoe--llama walking looks like a blast!
I had a traumatic experience with llamas as a kid. Then as an adult. Zoe is brave.
if it's a slimming 'accessory', i just might need one. yarn would just be a bonus!
I can almost taste the photo of the hat.
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