Saturday 11/10 : a full day Photo for Knitters Workshop in Needham MA.
A one-of-a-kind class: meeting in an historic schoolhouse (props! setting!), with enough time to learn, shoot, and to edit, look at work and critique too. Thanks to Elissa at Creative Warehouse for sponsoring this!
A one-of-a-kind class: meeting in an historic schoolhouse (props! setting!), with enough time to learn, shoot, and to edit, look at work and critique too. Thanks to Elissa at Creative Warehouse for sponsoring this!
If a hands-on photo workshop might be a bit much, Friday night 11/9 I'm doing a slidetalk : 10 Tips for Fabulous Photos: Knitwear & Beyond for the Common Cod Guild in Cambridge at MIT (heh , me teaching at MIT) 7pm. Info here.
Back in September, one misty morning at Fiber College, I played tourist with Mary Lou Egan. We set out on a short drive south to Northport.
Back in September, one misty morning at Fiber College, I played tourist with Mary Lou Egan. We set out on a short drive south to Northport.

Skeining yarn before dying.

It was very very warm in the dyerooms.

A few last thoughts, if you're still with me:
• Swans Island yarn may be available at your LYS. It is at mine :-)
• An oft repeated but wondrously true aspect of naturally dyed yarn is it all goes together. You can't make a bad color combo.
• Yarn like this, from small producers, costs more than commercially produced imported skeins. Choosing it is to vote with your pocketbook (as we like to say around here). To knit with it is a joy, no question. When you buy it, you're supporting small business and enabling real jobs in a challenged economy. These are people who put great care into what they create. You can read more about who's behind Swans Island here.
(sorry that was kind of preachy but I just had to say it, stepping off the soapbox now)
Mmmmmm Swans Island. I love knitting with their yarns. We visited the studio this summer. Luminous.
I like the splashes of color along the wall behind the dyebaths. Makes me wonder why they're there!
I want to work here.
I covet their blankets. Almost bought some of their fingering at Halcyon last summer, still thinking about it. Gorgeous photos.
Wow! Love to see how mass dyeing takes place. Thanks for posting.
I came across Swans Island yarn at an lys while traveling, and fell in love immediately - but bought something else instead (following my 'only one souvenir yarn' rule). So I was thrilled to come across it again at Vogue Knitting Live in Chicago - now I have two precious skeins waiting to be knit up.
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