Today's Photo Heavy Monday comes from our Craft Activism field trip to WTNH, the TV station in New Haven. They invited Joan & me to tape a segment for CT Style, a mid day talk show. Totally fun. I'll stick our segment in at the end, so you can watch it if you have 5 minutes .

The set, before we decorated it with our books. Noting what our host was wearing, we accessorized her.

Tell me she doesn't look awesome in the Ocelot scarf (project in the book, y'know).

True story: while Joan helped Stacey and Beth get set to model for us, I went to go check my makeup. WTF? My shirt was on inside out-and no one told me? Caught just before I made a total ass of myself. Yay for the ol' confidence.
Our good fortune: the other guests were a cooking segment, from Leon's.

Guess who had Prawns-or were they Langostinos- in a Spicy Tomato Sauce ? Yum.
All in all, very fun and kind of funny. Neither Joan nor I are used to being in the spotlight but neither of us is uncomfortable on set, either. I'd hoped to flourish the Fussy Cuts blanket so I had it in my lap , giving me an FDR'ish forbearance. Don't believe me? Check it out:
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Fabulous! I was somewhat amused that she asked how challenging it was for you to do the photography - did she not realize that photography is what you do?
You looked great, and that red scarf around your neck has its own message, eh?
What a great piece! I too chuckled when she asked about the challenge of the photography.
I don't have curly hair, but when long it is naturally wavy....
Totally cracked up when she asked you about the photography. And loved that you wore the red scarf.
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