Friday, November 04, 2016

november post 4: strawberry head hat

 Last Friday, on her way out the door, Zoe told me she'd like a new hat. At the time, she was wearing a sweater and hat on their third seasons, for better or worse. I'm calling the felted pompom on the hat she'd grabbed, worse.
We all know wearing of handknits should always be rewarded with more handknits.  I asked her what hat she'd like. "The kind that makes my head look like a strawberry" was the reply.
A couple of weeks earlier, she'd seen me clean out a box of old patterns, including a printed Ann Norling  for fruit hats, circa before I had kids.  Zoe's got opinions about clothing, and she thought they were All That.
I didn't think she'd stick with the concept for two weeks but she did. Fruit hats?!  So, of course I made her a strawberry hat. Wouldn't you? I thought so! Ironically, after all this time, I misplaced the printed pattern we'd found two weeks ago.   I used this one, instead. That's Cashmerino Aran for the red and green yarns, and some leftover Malabrigo Rios close enough to black for the seeds.  (all machine washable--see felted pompom, above) . Whenever I had  spare minutes last weekend I worked on it and by Sunday night it was done. It reminded me how much I love knitting hats. Since this is a season of getting all warm and cozy, I might be making quite a few. Just not all fruit themed.
Meanwhile, this one has seen daily action this week, which hasn't even been chilly.
Kid's got good taste--it really is kind of cute. I just remembered I should show her when I made her baby head into a pumpkin.


  1. she looks absolutely adorable....and you're right, she does have good taste and pulled off a 'fruit-head' beautifully! Can you believe I have 7 grands but only rarely will any ask for a knitted anything (usually hat or mitts.....I can't get any one of them in a handknit sweater.....egads. I feel I failed as a granny.) I'd have been all over that request, too. Now the only one requesting anything is hubby.....and he wears XL sweaters. Not quite as much fun as a fruit-head!!!

  2. So adorable! I just love the fruit-head hat. Any time my kids ASK me to knit something, I drop everything and do it NOW! (My daughter - who is now 27 - had a little dalmation pup JUST LIKE ZOE's. She loved it to a ragged and worn-out state. Your post today made me very nostalgic.)

  3. Those hats are the cutest and this one is perfect for Zoe. Great job!

  4. I think a strawberry hat is the perfect thing! And, it looks perfect on Zoe!

  5. So sweet that she wanted a strawberry hat. Those fruit caps used to be my go to baby present, a long time ago. So quick and so cute.

  6. Oh my goodness, that is the cutest thing! She is a fantastic model, too. Must knit!!

  7. No longer baby humiliation wear!

  8. I love that Zoe has a pound puppy identical in coloration but larger in size to the one our little free spirit had. That one is now 31 years old and still a free spirit, but I don't think she carries her puppy with her everywhere now.

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