Friday, December 18, 2015

trip mitts

Fingerless mitts, knit flat and joined by a 3 needle bindoff in a contrasting color.  Fun, quick, and a perfect distraction from serious pursuits. Also really excellent on a chilly day.  As soon as you complete this entertaining maneuver that is a three needle bindoff, they're done. Boom! Just like that. Trip Mitts.

Available now on Ravelry from me  5$ us 
My list of why you might like the pattern
- if you like to knit flat instead of in the round
- if you always wanted to try a 3 needle bindoff
- if you need a quick gift
- if you hate lots of finishing on a project
- if you need some travel knitting
- if you need a quick little instant gratification knit
- if your hands are cold (had to say that, right?)
- if you like rustic or simple style
- if you happen to have an odd or leftover skein of Dk (or close) yarn around (what? you don't???shutthefrontdoor!)
- if you want a distraction from those attention-needing children family cleaning deadlines knits....

The pattern includes links to written and video tutorials for 3 needle bindoff, if the technique is new to you and you'd like some backup. It's  satisfying to have this trick in your knitting arsenal.  Done on the right side, in a contrast yarn as in the case of these mitts,the three needle bindoff  leaves a neat little stripe as a graphic element that I designed to land offset on each mitt.

I like a loose fitting mitt, so I chose Anzula Oasis, a camel/silk blend that is gorgeous to touch but nicely durable. You can knit these in almost any fiber-- a plied wool will give you more spring and more fit.
And Trip Mitts go well with seawall sitting in the mist, too.

Many thanks to the lovely Sofie for modeling these, to Kirsten Kapur for her help in fine tuning the design and to Ellen Silva of Twinset for tech editing (she's a wizard).  

Hey- if you knit any of these, send me a shout when you put them up on your Ravelry project page- I LOVE seeing what knitters do with patterns. I am SheShootsSheep on Ravelry.


  1. Those are so cute and they must knit up pretty fast, too. Thanks for the freebie!

  2. Glad you got this pattern out. So cute.

  3. LOVE these! I'm going to cast on this afternoon. (These are JUST what I need right now. For my hands and for my head.)


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