Monday, December 28, 2015

more trip mitts and a year end knit reconciliation

It struck me that a pair of Trip Mitts would be just the thing for a gift I needed to give last week.
There aren't many patterns I feel sure I 'll finish within 2 days. Have to admit, while I was publishing and writing about the Trip Mitts pattern here, I got a jones to knit more of them, just for funs this time.  My eyes lit on a skein of handspun I've been hoarding   saving. I had me a plan.
These are knit in a springy handspun BFL wool  in a denim colorway. The construction suits the lovely handspun colors, and the fit is pretty fab. It was a frenetic few days, last week, so I cast on early in the morning, left them on the table and whenever I had a couple of minutes or was cruising by,  I knit a few rows. Poof, by the end of the evening, the first one was done. I hadn't even thought through the contrast color /yarn for the three needle bindoff finish.
I'm  pretty suggestible when it comes to color. I walked out the front door and saw these last golden leaves fallen on a row of stones on the porch railing. I have goldy yarn leftovers aplenty here. Contrast color solved!

For a hot minute, I considered joining 12 Days of Casting On.  It appeals in that throw caution to the wind, say Yes, go wild, just do it way... but I have a pretty good amount of, let's say, abandon, in my life already.  I'm turning my attention to other projects that I'm pretty psyched about: a partially finished shawl that'll be a gift, and more yarn for a second shawl I'll keep, a lopapeysa  I am twitchy to swatch, and then maybe a lopapeysa for Dave, a partially finished bulky scarf from last winter that's got some appeal again, and I'll confess, I need some new mitts with fingers 'cause you just know it really will turn into winter one of these days.  Zoe's agitating for a new sweater too, and how can I resist that? All worthy and interesting , all knitting I am looking forward to.   

But then I was contemplating the fabulous Noro Silk Garden Solo Trip Mitts that Mason Dixon Knitting Kay Gardiner whisked out...and I thought of a dear friend who I want to gift at the New Years Eve bonfire, and I thought of at least one partial skeins of Noro Sillk Garden in my tote bags of mysterious leftovers,  ...and I know I can knit these Trip Mitts in a couple days, I have I'm casting on for them last thing tonight, and probably my last cast on for 2015.

Happy New Year to all.  What're your knitting  plans as the year flips over?


  1. Great mitts and a great way to use handspun, too. I have no plans to cast on anything but I probably should figure out something because I do like the symmetry of starting a new project on the first day of the new year.

  2. I'm almost finished with my first pair and they're totally quick and fun to knit. I'll be casting on a second pair to start 2016. Talk about symmetry.

  3. i love these! they do look gorgeous in handspun, just as you suggested. and i definitely have a lot of hoarded-- er-- SAVED handspun too. small balls that could be grouped together. thanks for the inspiration!

  4. I have just finished my first gift pair, too! It's a pair and a half, actually, because I knit two mitts for the same hand... easier to start a new one than to re-do, so there you have it. Like Margene, I've plans to knit another pair very soon! And probably more... Homespun is brilliant. Even though I don't spin, I seem to have acquired a fair bit of it. Happy New Year!!

  5. Anonymous12:51 PM

    I'm not usually a fan of gray and yellow (I know many people are, but eh) HOWEVER the mostly gray with just a seam of yellow? It's perfect!

    Next year, honestly, I'm hoping to just knit. Anything I finish will be gravy. If I actually get a design or two out, that'll be amazing. I'm feeling a little burnt out on all the computery work of designing. So I'm not pushing any plans on myself for 2016.

  6. Great post thank youu


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