Friday, October 03, 2014

Found on Friday*

aka Share All the Things Friday a la Truly Myrtle.

It's hat season. Or heading into it. Pardon the pun.
Trig by Mary Lou Egan, That's the Ravelry link. Shown in Frog Tree Llambrosia, which is soft and slightly halo-y.  I have been waiting for the season to roll around  to  knit it.
I love that it has no ribbing, and is neither a tight little beanie nor a slouchy topper. I keep trying the slouchies, and looking like I'm waiting for my turn with the officials on Ellis Island. 
My only problem with Trig .....what colors, what colors, what colors? 

Modeled by the lovely and talented Laura Nelkin. Have you seen her new book Knockout Knits?
*When I got on board with my editorial calendar, I claimed Friday as a blogging commitment day. If I keep writing about this, it'll happen, true? Fake it till you make it and all that?.  I love a FO Friday, and I love blogs that list some good finds, ala Abby Glassenberg's podcast, in which she and her guests recommend 3 things they are loving- business tips,  cool services or new apps. So that's what this is all about, and then I found Truly Myrtle, who's on the same wavelength.
Want to join in on Sharing All the Things or Found on Friday? Link to it in the comments!


  1. That is definitely a lovely hat, but what about the tunic? Or is it a dress? Is it knit? Intrigued!

  2. Love that hat! And I'm with Kristy--what's with that tunic??

  3. I have gotten several emails regarding the sweater. I'll have to get Ms. Nelkin to tell all.

  4. I see the hat on you, it is super versatile and friendly, and above all, not Ellis Island.

  5. I am sorry to share this deflating info: the dress/tunic she's wearing was storebought. It is super cute though --so if anyone designs a close similar, they will have a hit on their hands.It'd have to be light fingering weight, to have the same effect.

  6. I've already been thinking about it! There's another tunic-length sweater (not the same design) that I found elsewhere and the two (this one and the other) have put me into a tunic head space! I'm sketching and thinking, which is usually dangerous (and not very productive).

  7. I love that hat - and that yarn. And that yarn company!


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