Saturday, July 18, 2009

sometimes coffee tastes like chocolate*

Hey, you Minnesota knitbloggers!
There are just a couple of spaces left in the Photography for Knitters evening workshops this Thursday & Friday at The Yarnery.
See you there ?
From a photo shoot yesterday. Tasty work! More from this as soon as it goes live.
Fueling a 12 hour shoot day with an old friend as the client, fabulous baked goods and iced Italian espresso is...energizing. But I don't think it's the caffeine and sugar. It's doing work that is so satisfying and fun that really gets my gears whizzing.

Which is my roundabout way of saying thanks for your thumbs up on the photo workshop idea. I don't need much encouragement, at all, to talk about two of my most favorite activities combined.
These are the Welsh Traveling Socks from Shear Spirit. Shooting socks in interesting ways is a good challenge, we'll talk about that.

I'm all for repeating the workshops, or slightly longer ones - in other locations. Extra snaps if I can drive to them from home base in Connecticut. If you know of a yarn shop or other good venue, I'm ready to roll, drop me a note and I'll explore the possibility.

* when I was thinking about how work is sometimes so enjoyable I just don't feel like it's work, the title of this bluegrassy mandolin instrumental by Robin Flower popped into my brain. Which is a little freaky , I remember a recording of it from an alt radio station in the 80's..and doncha love the interwebs, here you can buy the original recording.


  1. I've been tinkering with the idea of flying out there on Thursday for the Friday class, but I just can't swing it. Darn. Next time, give us all 2 weeks notice before you post about one of your classes. I'll be there!!!

    LOVE the photos of course. "still life with sox" is excellent.

  2. Socks are my least favorite thing to get a picture of. If you only knew how many times I have tried and failed to get a modeled shot of my own feet. You'd think I'd stop trying.

  3. Any more class dates and locations? I would love to take a class from you.

  4. It is shear torture to only be able to look at those cookies (but I swear I can smell them!)

  5. Oooooh, cookies and milk. Will not stop on the way home for cookie ingredients... will n... weakening...

    Sometimes a picture is worth 1000 grams.

  6. I just registered for the Friday workshop and am terribly excited. Photography, Fiber and Friday, does it get better?

  7. I'm coming to the class tonight and I am really looking forward to it!

  8. Sitting in the Denver airport as your second class gets underway. At least I hope to see you tomorrow!

  9. If you say that those cookies and milk have something to do with yarn, I'm a total gonner.

    I hope your workshop went really well. I'm insanely jealous of everyone who got to attend.


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