Monday, July 07, 2008

pronounce it tra-jeeek

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Couvercle turned out not so tres bon . Whose fault? That'd be moi.
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I bypassed a gauge swatch because I'm lazy wasn't sure what size I needed, in its utter pinkness I knew it wasn't staying with me. I figured it'd wind up fitting someone in my orbit. I hadn't counted on just how far off I was from the average head. Perhaps I'll try a wash and a hot dryer.

The pattern is written for Araucania Cotton, a thick & thin yarn that's 14 st to 4", and I used Cascade Luna, which claims 18 st to 4". I went down to a size 8 needles from the pattern's suggested 9US but I'm a loose knitter anyway, and cotton you do the math. Obviously I didn't.

On the bright side, I totally enjoyed knitting it, and I rawwwked the crochet. I haven't crocheted in earnest (read that as according to any instructions) since my high school days when epic length treble crochet stitch scarves were my oevre. You know, to go with our maxi coats.

To sum up: hat too large, pattern a thumbs up, must get more cotton yarn in non-pink & try again.


  1. Clearly, the mistake was picking a pink yarn. ;^)

    Very cute, though.

  2. I did the granny square vests. Fortunately, no photo exists.

  3. It's sure nice and roomy.

    Get bigger hair?

  4. bummer, nice color though.


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