Tuesday, July 08, 2008

in which we learn that two mouths are better than one

Especially if the mouth joining me is my Shear Spirit co-author & friend, the wonderful writer Joan Tapper.
You can hear us interviewed together (um, except for the 3000 miles and 3 hour time difference) at CraftCast with Alison Lee.
at Old Mill Farm in Mendocino, hopefully not too smokey this week
fyi: this is an all crafts podcast so the questions were less about knitting and more about sheep, and goats and fiber and what we found out about farm life, it's a nice change of pace. Joan's clear brain kept us on topic, something that eludes me when speaking alone. None of us knew how a two-at-a-time phone call would work but somehow it did. I guess it's my week to blab-a-lot!

1 comment:

  1. hey, I downloaded the podcast to listen to on the plane today. You and Joan sounded cogent and interesting. I didn't fall asleep till the podcast was over and
    the audio book started.


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