Saturday, February 22, 2020

3 things I'm done with

1) The Jane Jacobs Shawl. I started knitting this design by Kirsten Kapur not too long after it appeared in the book  I Knit New York .  When I photographed the book I was so taken with this design. Kirsten took a technique I always thought of as fusty - mosaic knitting- and made it totally modern  cool. I completed knitting it a few months ago but put it aside  to gift my sister Lulu on her special birthday this week. Out it came to have ends woven in, blocked and delivered.
Happily she loved it (it really is so her). I caught her as she was leaving town so we'll have to do a modeled shot someday.  The yarn is Backyard Fiberworks . The winters shades in it just kill me. Not that you'll be examining it that closely, but on the offchance that you do, I'll confess I went a little rogue on it. I ran out of some colors and changed the section proportions. I will be back to do more riffs on this pattern, I am sure!

2) The United Technologies Corp. Engineer Week Project-- remember that sad tale of the sexist dude  (need to scroll down to item 3 in that linked post to read it) last month who tried to mess with my photo shoot? I'm really happy with how it all turned out, and I especially love this group shot. If you click on the  UTC link above and look at the slide show of individual portraits you'll spy some in front of the propeller that we moved without an all male muscle team.

3) Ok mini rant here, I am done with hearing the word curate , or curated, used about every single dang thing.  It's such a precious way of saying you put some items together. Curating a meal? Nope.  Curating an art collection--well, OK.  One needs special knowledge, and discernment.  My annoyance softened--just slightly--when I looked up the dictionary definition to make sure I wasn't off base.  I read an interesting piece about how the word curate gained a new meaning in the last decade or so, as digital information became part of everyday life. So, the word curate was used as an opposite to aggregate. To aggregate information is to just suck it all into one place, while to curate it indicated information was selectively gathered into one location. 

What word drives you nuts from overuse or misuse or preciousness?  I have quite a few  but I'll tamp the rest down for now and spare you. Although this list has curate and a few others I'd hit as well.

Ok that's all from me, posting as Ms Cranky McCrankpants this week! I know it's not Thursday but I had to get these three things out !


Sarah said...

That shawl is spectacular -- your sister is a lucky lady!

I'll admit I'm similarly annoyed with the overuse of "curate." While most of the time it does seem to be used correctly, it seems like one of the new social media buzz words, and frankly I'd prefer it stay in the world of art.

Michele said...

The phrase that drives me crazy is “these ones”. I also hate the word ginormous. I love a good rant once in awhile.

Kirsten said...

I love the finished shawl so much! I'm completely honored that you chose to give it to your sister for her special birthday.

Thinking of words that others overuse or misuse has me reflecting on my own lack of imagination when trying to compliment someone's work. For example: "Gale, those photos are stunning!" Which they are of course, and I truly mean it, but boy do I overuse stunning. To my mind my repeated use of the same words diminishes my honest feelings and intentions.

AsKatKnits said...

Your shawl is just gorgeous! And, lucky sister to receive such an incredible gift!

Please keep curating art... but not book lists, not foods, and not conversation!

Bridget said...

Love love love the shawl!

Yes, to "curate" - I have to say that I'm sick of people being 'obsessed' with everything and anything.

Jeannie Gray Knits said...

OMG! That shawl is Gorgeous!
I'm sick of "OMG" and "really" - and I say them both constantly. I drive myself crazy with it but can't seem to stop myself. I also use "gorgeous" a little to often but in my defense, I read a lot of knitting blogs and people knit some super gorgeous items!

Anonymous said...

here is the Embroidery Digitizing Service case of it