Sunday, December 08, 2013

book reviews & giveaway #4

We're moving into the 2nd week of giveaways. This is rather fun for me, if you can't tell.  The winner for Kristin Nicholas' book was notified via a Rav message-but there's still time for Just Like Me Knits by Brandy Fortune, and for Wear With All, ebook version.  Not to mention every giveaway I'm doing this month, one comment for each, including this one, below.  And, more books added soon.

I'm thrilled to be able to give away a copy of  Knitting Yarns, Writers on Knitting, edited by Ann Hood.  She, the editor,  says in the introduction
“The impressive collection of writers here have contributed essays that celebrate knitting and knitters. They share their knitting triumphs and disasters as well as their life triumphs and disasters. . . . These essays will break your heart. They will have you laughing out loud.”

What do I say?  Just that, if you are not the winner, please treat yourself to a copy of this book. Don't even think twice. You want to read it and you want to own it. Most of my favorite writers are in here , including Barbara Kingsolver and Ann Shayne and Ann Patchett  (yes, that Ann Shayne, you must know she is also a novelist, right?) , not to mention Sue Grafton and Andre Dubus III and Jane Smiley.....oh so wonderful, they are all talking about knitting,as a touchstone in their lives.  Of course I have that same feeling, even if I can't articulate like an award winning write. So there's the feeling of recognition, and connection that moves this book into its own category for us, as knitters.
If you search around online, some of the pieces are excerpted. Together, in one volume, they are nothing short of joy.

Seriously, the only complaint I have about this book is the lack of a wonderful portrait of each of the writers in their favorite knitting spot, photographed by a professional editorial photographer who specializes in real people and is a knitter, like ohhhhhhhh,hmmmm, whoooooo..ME! Am I right? Are we not visual people, craving that peek between the blinds into all of their private space?  After you've bonded by reading their essay and you are touched and moved and crying or laughing, don't you just want a little look, too?
(did I really just come out and say that. why yes, I did).

PS A lovely lagniappe, there are 5 patterns in the book. sigh. This truly is one of those keep next to the bed books.

PPS Thanks to the publisher WW Norton & Company for sending me the review and giveaway copies. 

To enter the giveaway for a copy  of Knitting Yarns , Writers on Knitting leave a comment below telling me what book you keep next to the bed for revisiting. I'm giving away this book by mail , leave a comment below, by midnight Wednesday night December 10th , with  your email address* or your Ravelry name.  I’ll choose a winner by random number generator. ___Stop by again soon, I'm going to keep reviewing and giveaway-ing all month.__________  
*my blogging platform doesn’t reveal your email address with your replies normally, so I need it. if you are worried about it attracting a ‘bot scanning for addresses, feel free to leave it as JaneSewAThotstuffDOTCom  ok?  ___________________________ Another  plug for classes I am teaching at Vogue Knitting Live in NYC on January 17th! A hands-on workshop,  Photography for Your Ravelry Page (limited seats left) and a fast. fun and functional slide lecture,  10 Tips and Tricks to Fabulous Photography , from noon-1. Sign up now.


  1. Connie K.5:08 PM

    I keep books of poetry next to my bed. I currently have A Book of Luminous Things by Czeslaw Milosz and Leaves of Grass by Walt Whitman waiting for me.

  2. I am so excited about this book!

    The book I keep by my bed is a copy of the Bible. I actually have a collection of different translations and ones with different features, but the one I usually have on the nightstand is a King James Version because I like the lyrical flourishes of the language. It's not my go-to study translation, but I go to it for comfort and beauty.

    My Ravelry is kbryson77 and my email is

  3. I keep whatever book I'm currently reading on my nightstand and don't really have any I refer back to like that. I have reference books, like Barbara Walker's treasuries, that I refer to often, but that's not nightstand material. Maybe Knitting Yarns will be the first nightstand, refer back to book for me.

  4. I've read Pride & Prejudice many times. But for the last few years I've been too tired to sleep at night. The only stories I get are the Ferdinand the Bull and Golden Book types :)

  5. Wonder by RJ Palacio, our one book one school book for the year. Great messages.

  6. Anonymous7:06 PM

    I keep Pride and Predjudice and The Mitford Bedside Companion by my bed for regular perusal.


  7. I can't believe the didn't think to hire you to do photography. You may need to do another book!

  8. Not much reading time at my house. The Wind In the Willows was my most recent read, and I do go back to it just because it's a pleasant book and sitting there in reach. Rav amchart theharts at windstream dot net

  9. I have a book about magnesium by my bedside. I keep it as a reference for health reasons.

    msgb245 at gmail dot com

  10. I always keep a ton of pattern books so I can dream of knitting everything. Right now it is baby items because first grand baby is due in two months.

    sherryglover1 on Ravelry

  11. NancyN8:30 PM

    I almost never revisit ... books are like the candy store-- I can't wait for the next one.
    I did just plow through the Hunger Games trilogy again after my 7th grader started reading them.
    Nnowalk (at) verizon dot net
    (n2n on ravelry)

  12. Sounds like a great read! I'm reading a Yarn Harlot book right now. cesmith08 on Ravelry.

  13. I don't revisit many, but Clara Parkes "The Yarn Whisperer" is on my nightstand right now! My kindle lives on my nightstand, and there's an abundance of choice in there. I wish The Yarn Whisperer was in it, but I wanted an autographed copy!

  14. oops, sorry, forgot to say that I'm pdxknitterati on ravelry.

  15. I keep a copy of poetry by Billy Collins on my night table (as well as my latest knitting mags) for inspiration! Thanks for having such great give-aways.
    Saragl (ravelry name)

  16. What a great giveaway! Right now I'm reading "The Purpose Driven Life."

    Thanks so much for the opportunity!

    I'm chavahsdaughter on Ravelry.

  17. I keep Shel Siverstein's 'where the sidewalk ends'
    Now I read it to my kids.

    Knitterlydesigns on ravelry

  18. I dont have one favorite next to my bed, whatever one is being read at the moment. The Quran is also always there in short reach as well. What a wonderful giveaway, thank you!

    Ummrania on Ravelry

  19. Oh how exciting - what a lovely book, at the moment I am reading Sightlines by Kathleen Jamie - it is a gorgeous poetic insight to daily life - gkjsut(at)gmail(dot)com thank you

  20. The book sounds like fun.

    I would love to win it

    My Ravelry name: Donnarossa

  21. Anonymous4:38 AM

    I keep the book that I'm currently reading and a stack of books that I intend to read, but rarely do, on my bedside table. You know what tehy say about good intentions...

    I agree with you about the photographs, Gale. It should have been included, perhaps in the second edition. ;)

    My rav id is penchant4yarn

  22. Sounds great!

    toomanyufos on ravelry

  23. This book is actually on my wishlist.Living on the nightstand currently is "The Valley of Amazement" by Amy Tan(love her books)and my latest knitting magazines. My favorite rereads are Maeve Binchy especially Circle of Friends. Thank you for the chance lostinkansas on Ravelry

  24. What a great book. No photos?? Yes, what were they thinking? I currently have no book on my nightstand, so clearly this one would be just perfect. ~Manise on Rav.

  25. Right now I have "Metropolitan Knits" by Melissa Wehrle by my bed because I just got it. Thanks for the giveaway.

    lmecoll on Ravelry

  26. I have The Goldfinch by Donna Tartt and always an Elizabeth Zimmermann or 2.
    Thanks for the giveaway, Nell on Rav, nellknitsatgmaildotcom

  27. I'm so excited for this book! My bedside table book pile varies, though I have to admit that Rogue Herries has been sitting there for some time. I may never finish it! Right now it's under a cartoon book, the seventh collection of Sheldon cartoons (great fun). My knitting bookshelf is just the other side of the night stand, so I can grab a Yarn Harlot book easily!

  28. I am almost always reading at least two books, with more waiting in the wings. My bedside has a stack of "soons" and whatever is current (assuming it isn't buried in the bedclothes because I didn't make the bed).

    I'm Kayteau on Ravelry.

  29. I actually have been rereading Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil. I live in the South and love the cooky-ness preserved in that story.

  30. Barbara Kingsolver's Natural Wonders lives by the bed. Currently reading Mastering the Art of Soviet Cooking by Anya von Bremzen, and I highly recommend it.

  31. I have a book of Native American thought - The Lakota Way - by my bed. It's great for when I'm between books.
    wahoomerryf on Rav

  32. I tend to read things once but my knitting books get revisited regularly, especially Knitting in America.

  33. This comment has been removed by the author.

  34. Anonymous2:12 PM

    I keep the yarn harlots "Free Range Knittig" in the bedroom bookcase for those odd moments between bigger reads. I love the elevator vignette!

  35. Anonymous2:16 PM

    that was me! bjobes at ravelry

  36. Anonymous3:58 PM

    I have a circus book (the Ordinary Acrobat) next to my bed for inspiration in my training. When I fall asleep I dream of trapeze and hoops and other awesome tricks, and in the morning I cannot wait to get on my equipment.

    My rav user name: littlegreenpixie

  37. I keep whatever library book I am reading (currently, it's Looking for Alaska by John Green) and a stack of catalogs for late-night browsing. I find I am less enthusiastic if tired!

    Debbie4 on rav

  38. Right now its Holiday Knits

    Raenct on rav

  39. Anonymous9:13 AM

    I keep some knitting pattern books (Right now is Fair Isle Style) by the bed to peruse in the evening. Yes, I'll like to read pattern books. Nighttime is the only time I can read them in peace!

    I'm vernalequinox on Ravelry.

  40. Looks like a very cool book!
    -Contessa (rav username)

  41. Currently I am rereading How to Knit a Lovesong. my Rav name is bellrbi

  42. I keep a variety of Christian devotionals next to my bed--I love filling my head with God's word before I drift off.

  43. I go with bible too. alcbrooks on ravelry

  44. My books change constantly on my bedstand - usually something inspirational. I'm reading a Henri Nouwen book right now.

    Rav name is ahammer

  45. Given it is nearer Winter Soltice, my bedtime reading is "The Dark Is Rising" series by Susan Cooper.

    Waiting for the next Stephanie Plum book to come out in paperback.

  46. This comment has been removed by the author.

  47. Next to my bed is The Fleece and Fiber Sourcebook. When I need a little something to read before bed that's not to deep, but still interesting, I pick a sheep breed and read about it, and think about spinning its wool. The next best thing to counting sheep is reading about them.

    I'm Savoy Truffle on Ravelry

  48. I usually keep the latest issue of Interweave Knits nearby, and I also usually have an audio book on my old boombox so I can sit and knit and listen to one of the Harry Potter books - I could listen to Jim Dale forever.

    Rav ID: Owlknits

  49. oh shoot! am i too late!!?? i'd love to win this book!! i think it would be the one by my bed for sure!
    right now i have one sent to me by a buddhist friend on shantidiva, perfect end of the day reading.

    thank you gale!

  50. and yes! i agree you should have taken portraits! would have been a perfect addition to the book.

  51. You can shoot Volume 2! I am reading The Rivers of London series - a kind of fantasy police procedural - really fun.


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