Thursday, July 19, 2012

three cheers for the red, white and blue (large)

Browsing around on the internets, as one does when one is sitting in one's office avoiding large deadlined projects, I ran into the huge knit US flag art piece by Dave Cole,  quite a few times. Then, I read Lori's post on it, on her VersaciKnits blog.  She mentioned that her dad, an art collector, has the artist's model of the piece.people 
Which prompted my memory of photographing Dave Cole while the piece was installed, up at MassMOCA in 2005.  Back when my blog had 15 readers, on a good day. These are a couple of the images.  If you want to see more of the piece itself and about Dave's work (at least 7 years ago) , take a look at my July 9, 2005 post.people Including the model, that's now at Lori's dad's house. (I just love knowing where things end up, don't you?) 
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The funniest thing is, I can't recall what magazine I shot him for.  He continues to incorporate knitting and handsewing and materials that are waaaay outside the box to make his art. Take a look.


  1. I want that model!

  2. I think I was one of those 15 readers because I remember that.

  3. Nice post which prompted my memory of photographing Dave Cole while the piece was installed, up at MassMOCA. In which continues to incorporate knitting and handsewing and materials that are way outside the box to make his art. Thanks a lot for posting.


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