With all the to-ing and fro-ing and gatherings lately, there've been some good eats. For Leo's 21st birthday barbecue, the requested cupcakes were ones I've been making him for years: dark chocolate with blue buttercream frosting.

And sprinkles. OF COURSE.
The party was just days after the hurricane. We hastily tried to clear the yard, then gave up and just sort of piled downed branches, debris, tools, ladders and saltwater shriveled plants on the sides. We stuck tiki torches and a tent with banners in the area we wanted you to look at. Distraction! It worked, in person but wow the pictures look like we were living amongst wreckage. The food and beer helped though. Did you know you can buy microbrew "logs" of beer, like mini kegs? Such a very good idea, from my package store friends.
Leo's Peruana girlfriend Giuliana taught me how to make ceviche from her family recipe. A lot of work but to. die. for. Served traditionally, with sides of corn on the cob, avocado, limes, and slices of sweet potato.
That was also Illumination Night in the 'hood. Festivities everywhere. 21st bday party big success.
When I'm working /traveling alone in Maine I go straight for the good stuff: lobster stew with corn and local beer. No work, no carcasses to dispose of. It is pretty much butter, milk, lobster, salt & pepper & paprika. What could be bad (other than no green vegetables in sight)?
green vegetables... meh... that's what LATER is for!
Great photos! Especially the 'smurf' cupcakes!
I've only read about ceviche - never had it - that bowl makes me want to land face-down in it...
And fear not - yellow vegetables can totally take the place of green vegetables. Veg is veg, in the larger scheme of things. 8)
Sounds like a great birthday party. And we went to Young's on our honeymoon. Great memories!
I love the story of buttercream. And lobster.
Happy birthday, Leo!
I'm sorry. I'm confused. How on earth is Leo 21?! o.O
Mmm, loved every bit of this post. Really loved that last photo, as I'm so glad that someone thought to save that watering can. Probably a Yankee like me--"use it up, wear it out, make it do, or do without."
So now you know how to make perfect ceviche - and you're not telling?!
I'm with clairz.....that last photo literally made me catch my breath. It's SOOOOOOO gorgeous!
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