Tuesday, November 02, 2010

na-na-na nah & yeah

 yarnbomber customizing knit graffiti on the fly, see more in yesterdays post
NaKniSweMo3 ? sorta, kinda. I've been cranking on a sweater for Dave today.  That's a man sized sweater, and even with holiday gifts underway I WILL finish it this month. But I started it before the 1st so there's one rule broken. Maybe I can pull off one for me that starts & finishes by 11/30. I've got some Cascade EcoWool and I'm not afraid to use it. My eye is on a Lia. That's all I'm saying.
NaWriNoMo - ha. are you kidding? No WAY will I write a novel, not even a fictional sentence. oh, wait. That is one right there.
Vestvember ? It doesn't have a Na it. Not on the short list.
NaBloPoMo ? Ok. why not. I'll give it a try. Again .


  1. I'm loving that photo. That knitter looks like she has enough stuff going on to cover all the NaNoMo's.

    And with EcoWool, all things are possible.

  2. (How did I miss Lia??) You could totally pull that off in November, with time to spare.

  3. I'm going to NaBloPoMo, too! No sweater in a month this year, however. It will be wonderful to see your beautiful photos everyday.(At least I hope that's what will happen!) ;-)


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