Wednesday, April 01, 2009

yes that is a warshrag on my wall as art

and answers to other questions
Back when dinosaurs roamed, pre-blog, before the Mason Dixon Knitting gestalt entered my consciousness, long before I went into residence as both a Mason & a Dixon to photograph the grooviest of knitting books, I thought handknit dishcloths were folly.

I was wrong. No 4/1 joke. Kay passed me a book by mail this week. The packing materials, I kid you NOT: Noro scraps and this utterly wonderful washrag. I mean really? Who even noticed the book was in there. And who else would pack a book that way? No return address necessary.

I'm having crazy stress and with a lightening bolt strike knew that this humble handknit artisanry was classing up my whole week. As well as my kitchen .
You know how some people mix juicy & dull? Not us. We're all about the juicy. My kitchen floor is old school red linoleum. You can see the mango yellow walls, and the 1940's cabinets are painted periwinkle.They have glass front, my dishes are every color Fiestaware. (I'd show you, but the counters along them are too cluttered).This is a perfectly juicy warshrag. It just goes.
And in answer to other questions which haven't yet been asked, or I'd have answered from the comments except %$#&Blogger makes most comments "no reply"

- no that doesn't mean I'll knit some myself. puh-lease! babysteps folks!

- you're all correct, my stripey mismatched cuffs are only going to be noticed by me. (see previous post) They were knit in the round, what I did is start one cuff following a brown knit stripe, and one cuff following a yucca knit stripe. The cuffs are purled- so you get the little ridge at the changeover looking like sewn running stitch, I love that.

- this Francis v2 sweater is finished. Straight off the blocking towel I slipped it on to see how it hung. LOVE! so much so, I am wearing it for 3 days now and have not yet grafted the open armpits or tacked down the collar (photo soon). I look weird but I am mostly working in the home office this week and the dog doesn't care. The fit and drape are perfecto.

- Kimberly, you didn't ask but I'll tell you: even I don't know what I wrote on this blog way back when I started it, you deserve a medal of endurance for reading all that, and thanks for wanting to, mwah. Also, I maintain those Trader Joes sea salt & dark chocolate covered almonds are the snack of the gods. Let's get everyone eating them so they are not discontinued as the late lamented YinYang peanuts were. (sniff)

- Vestuary? no. Varch? nope. I am on my way to Vestril (details near the end of this post). I'll show soon. Adoring the Cascade Eco wool which is on sale for a steal if you click that link to Webs, talk about budget knitting! One skein=one vest.

- The seaglass buttons.(again you need to scroll down on that post).There are more. I am opening an etsy shop for them. I'm hanging shelves and painting now, there'll be a virtual wine & cheese open house for you all (and if you spill the red wine on the new floors, I'll be OK. Virtual shopkeeping means never having to say you're sloppy.)


  1. love the art! and yeah on your up coming etsy shop!!

  2. I think your kitchen sounds wonderful! Are you really going to sell the buttons or is that an April Fool's joke?

  3. I want to see more of this kitchen. I want to paint my apartment in really fun, bright colors but it was recently, horribly, painted so I have to see what my landlord would say.

  4. Art is art. Love your warshrag on the wall, and all the colors.

  5. I was the last person in the world to jump on the "warshrag" experience... I knit one for my neighbor (at her request) and then liked it so much that I had to keep it and knit her another one...

    I've got a bit more cotton, so I will keep making them for her until I run out. Yay, stash busting!

    Can't wait for the buttons.

  6. Oh! I've made many of those "warshrags" in all sorts of colors! I like the pattern so much, that I'm thinking of making a totebag with it.

    Your next project (because you NEED more projects, like you NEED more yarn)when home-bound, is to photograph your entire house with artfully placed objects and excellent lighting!

    I'm sure there's a book in there, somewhere!

  7. I love the top photo, gorgeous. Wash rags work as art for me, I could see a lot more of them grouped together too.

  8. That Kay is some kind of fabulous, isn't she?

    I can't wait to see the buttons.

  9. Yay! Seaglass buttons.

  10. Seaglass buttons? I actualy when and made my own buttons because of your post but mine where poor sad wood. The whole time sanding the edges down I was thinking I wish I had some seaglass. I'm totaly going to get some, let us know as soon as your etsy shop is up. And I will more than likly spill the wine (always have before).


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