Monday, March 23, 2009

a stripey cuff's not hard to find

But apparently, it's hard to match....
See that little extra row of yucca colored stitches? I didn't notice them, either, until I'd already cast off the second cuff and started the cowl. Oh well....this way I'll be able to tell my left from my right.

Still undecided on cowl treatment for this Francis. Maybe just a couple of stripes at the edge and three rows of chestnutty purl to finish, as with the cuffs. Which are long sleeves, btw. My sister was talking me into brown bobbles. I'm tempted..but not quite there.


  1. I don't think I'd have noticed unless you pointed it out.

  2. I recently found my way to your blog (from Mason Dixon), and went back to the beginning to read through. I'm enjoying it so much! Two (non-knitting) things: My family will be adopting International Ice Cream for Breakfast Day next February; I found and am now addicted to the TJ's dark chocolate almonds. Thank you! -Kim

  3. Anonymous6:50 AM

    I can't really see the extra row...I think it's very pretty! I love the color combo! Can't wait to see it all done (and hopefully in person if I ever make it out to snb again!)

  4. I can't really see the extra row either. But bobbles? Never!

  5. Huh, I still can't see the difference. I like the contrast of the light bluish color and the earth tone.

  6. Lovely! Aqua and blue is my favorite color combo!

    I'm working on the Meseta Shawl and am loving it! I had a hard time getting started (as I do with all lacy patterns), but I'm almost done with the first repeat. It's a great pattern and though I didn't use Victory Ranch yarn (I will next time!), I was inspired by your book to use a yarn that is local to me! I'll send pictures later!

  7. I think it looks beeyouteeful! Keep moving! Nobody'll notice!

  8. Love these two colors together!

  9. Beautiful work, and I love the color combination. Did you start the solid band around the cuff on the same side of the fabric for each sleeve? I'm thinking that might account for the difference. It's not going to be noticible; probably the only ones who would ever notice are you and your blog readers. Cant wait to see the finished sweater.

  10. Ditto on the color combination being wonderful.

    Have you resolved the flipping hem yet? I had the same problem on a sweater a couple years back and finally resolved it by using a lighter weight yarn and smaller needle on the inside layer.

  11. Stripey cuffs! I love that idea!


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