Wednesday, February 16, 2022

State of the Making Report


The Fern Lake Baby Blanket progress!  On the upside I am loving this Berroco Remix yarn. The colors together and nubbiness are just exactly what I hoped they'd be. 10/10 recommend as an alternative to a woolly blanket, if you have non-woolly blanket people to please. Also it is 100% recycled fibers,!
I'm sticking to this till it's done.  Might take a few days at my snail pace of an inch or two a night. If I had a good get together with friends I'd knit on this and blab and make all kinds of progress. True confession: I find blanket knitting a little on the boring. Even with a pattern that hits the right mark between engaging and simple. Thinking back, I can only recall two other blankets I've knit, ever! Maybe three if you count a collaborative mitered square blanket* tho making small squares is a different kind of thing.  
One was on gigantic needles when I was in college...and the other, this baby blanket for Zoe, ten years ago. (!) and I am dying looking at the linked photos now....
 I tell myself it's the same number of stitches as knitting a sweater and that item always engages me. It's the lack of shaping. With sweaters, you can tell yourself ooh I reached an armhole! I am almost to the hem, go go go.  Conclusion: I am all kinds of immature and like a reward ahead to keep me motivated.
So, since I wouldn't let myself even think of another knit while working on this, my mind fixated itself on sewing flannel receiving blankets. If you're thinking "wow , I usually don't see sewing projects from gale" you'd be correct. I have sewing skills. I don't trot them out too often.
It would have been a fleeting impulse. Except I looked at the Joann's website. Turns out I could sit by my fireplace sipping wine late Friday night, choose all the flannels, order them, and pick it up all cut and ready for me first thing Saturday morning.
So. I did. 
If I got nothing else out of these past two years of pandemic, I got fierce online shopping skills and no hesitancy to use'em.

This will be four double sided blankets--two will be backed in orange, two will be backed in the pink dots and one will be two shades of purple. I spent way way  too much time watching online tutorials of making mitered corner borders....and hopefully my plan will work.

Had to share a clearer view of this one. Have I gone full granny with this post? YES I HAVE.


*looking back at that linked mitered square's pretty cool. I may have to do one of those again!


  1. My Mom has been making and gifting flannel receiving blankets for decades now, and they are ALWAYS well received, usually the hit of the shower (since there are so rarely other handmade gifts). I'm sure yours will be lovely!

  2. Yeah, knitting a blanket, even a smaller baby one, can be tedious. At least you are using excellent colors and beautiful yarn! I looked back at your Zoe blanket photos too! OMG! Was she ever that small? The blanket also looked great! Keep on plugging away, Girlfriend! You've got this!

  3. First, BABY ZOE OMG!!!!! (10 years flies by in a flash, doesn't it???) And that flannel is so adorable and so cozy-looking I can barely stand it! "Full Granny" is a FINE place to be. (Maybe someday I'll be able to join you there???) XO


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