Friday, January 07, 2022

3 things since the last time I posted

Well, that gives me plenty of leeway, right?!*

1) Quality and Quantity Time at Home - Work returned to a pretty much full-time pace for most of 2021, although I'm traveling much less.  Which gives me plenty of time to hang around the beach and....well...hang around at the beach. Often with friends in the neighborhood. It's not a bad thing!  Among many unexpected habits I picked up in 2020 was making sunset photos at the end of my street and posting them on the neighborhood Facebook page. I started doing it out of boredom during quarantine in 2020, kind of a buswoman's holiday.  My neighbors were (and still are) so appreciative that I keep doing it. This was a couple of days ago. January sunsets are the best.

2) Possibly my fave project of 2021 was ...crocheted?! It's my Ziggy Interrupted Scarf .  I impulsively joined a CAL for it last spring.  I thought it might be fun to go through all my small amounts of fingering weight yarn left from other projects. Or given to me as samples or in goodie bags. I was right.  I had a blast putting the color combos together, using really small yardages that I inexplicably saved...I think I used 30 colors on it, and the only thing I bought was a Freia Minikin green/aqua. It was an epic and fun project. I worked  in sections so I could bring it wherever I went, attaching them all at the end before adding the all around edging. And now I can crochet fingering weight yarn, something I'd never done before.  Highly recommend!


3) Spent lots of time with my all time favorite human, Zoe. She turns 10 in a couple of weeks. How crazy is that? Also shown here, changed our formerly dark and very multi-colored cluttered living room into a light filled, less cluttered space. Best of all,  the old dangerous fireplace/unlined chimney situation is now a gas remote control hearth that helps heat the house. So bougie and I love it!


We had a neighborhood plunge on January 2nd. It was fabulous! 


*It's nice to be back. I don't know how that happened. The last couple of years have been...weird for us all!


  1. I'm cold just LOOKING at the photo! Brrr! But I love the sunset photo and will never cease to be impressed by the colors that Mother Nature produces.

  2. It has been so fun to watch Zoe grow up! She's a delight. :-) And welcome back to blogging. It's always a good day when I see a post from you pop up in my Feedly feed. Love your sunsets, love your beach neighborhood. And I'm swooning over that crochet wrap. Oh, my! XO

  3. So good to see this! Maybe I'll follow suit!

  4. How can she be 10? Your fireplace looks great, I want more photos of the living room redo, though!


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