Thursday, November 02, 2017

post 2 Nov: 3 things about The Croft

1) On Saturday I popped into my LYS , Knit New Haven w here I discovered they'd gone and stocked new yarns  without telling me. So many good ones! A shelf of The Croft from West Yorkshire Spinners especially got to me--and they had a skein out for sampling a few stitches. Boom. Done.

2)  It's Shetland wool, aran weight, lofty, soft, woollly natural sheep colors blended base. With muted speckles. Not so crazy as to be high contrast or pool. Just the right kind of speckles. And, a little lanolin sheepy whiff. I settled on two skeins in different colors--a new hat for me and for Dave.  (I don't buy random single skeins, without a project in mind. That never ends well for me).

3) All other projects immediately set aside to knit a Never Fail Watchcap from Mason Dixon Knitting Knitstrips feature.  Above is a testament to how much I love this yarn--I have knit nothing else since Sunday. And I don't love plain garter stitch.  But I should love this hat, just in time for the chillier weather.

My only point of uncertainty: I was thinking of knitting the same pattern for Dave but we've avoided wearing matching hats since we were this the time to start? 
ETA: now that I am at the long kitchener seam, above,  I can safely say Dave's The Croft hat will be a different design...knit in the round.


  1. What a great idea to have a sample skein out for stitches! Glad you're enjoying the yarn so much, it's lovely.

  2. I love that yarn! And, it knits up so differently than you would expect looking at the skein! I look forward to seeing the finished hats!

  3. I sort of spit my coffee at my computer screen when I got to the Kitchener part! :-P
    That yarn is so FUN -- it looks like a party . . . in the best possible way.
    (I wish my LYS got nice yarn. . . )

  4. ANd posing the yarn in a baking tray? Say, I have a few hat patterns with Aran wt yarn, take a look if any of them say Dave.

    I'm off to a shop that has this later today (dropping off more books!)

  5. Love the idea of a shop having a skein out for trying. And that yarn just looks like a party. What fun. Your Kitchener comment made me laugh out loud too.

  6. Looks like awesome yarn! But I've been staring at it, trying to figure out how on Earth that lovely piece of knitting turns into a hat. So confusing, even with the Kitchner. I guess I'll have to go check out Ravelry.

  7. That's pretty sneaky of the yarn shop to put out a sample of the yarn to knit on! They know we cannot resist! Have fun.


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