Thursday, November 30, 2017

post 10: 3 things I'm doing again

After a long hiatus, a return to
 1) Yoga .....November is my least favorite twelfth of the year. It's always hard but by the first day Nov 2017 I was stressed and agitated over various goings on. And the darkness didn't help. Thanks to some wise words (perhaps not even intentionally delivered), I returned to yoga on an unlimited pass for the month. I went 10 times. Not bad considering I was gone for a few days, twice.  What a joy. I feel  great. And I made it through the month without imploding. I may be addicted!
 Stone Fences Cowl by by Elizabeth Elliott Knits --

2) Listening to classical music_ I usually listen to books on Audible, or podcasts,  on  long drives and while editing photos, and  while knitting late at night. This month's book group selection, Lincoln in the Bardo made me sad and jumpy (yes I know it's amazing--just wrong for my mood) 
I was thinking of what would take me away-- and thought of how much time I spent in my teenage years listening to classical music, as a devoted but definitely UNtalented viola player. I was, in fact, an out-of-tune viola player, yet I stuck with it passionately till college.  Sitting in the middle of the string section surrounded by music was a happy place. Turns out blasting a Mozart station on Pandora is a good mood lifter in my office and around the house.
(The wonderful design, above, is a favorite recent release from a photo shoot last summer. I didn't have a classical music photo--but I could say this design is a symphony of beautiful yarns cleverly worked together......but then I'd have to issue a schmaltzy prose warning, too....)

3 Sewing clothing --- I've been meaning to crank up the old Singer FashionMate machine for too many years. I grew up sewing and loved making clothes for myself, then costumes for my kiddos when they were little...and then I got out of the habit, completely. A weekend in New Hampshire with my dearest maker friends, formerly my housemates when we all taught at a retreat annually, got me seaming. Our generous hostess and crack indie EVERYTHING designer (seriously--Ellen Mason makes sewing patterns, knitting, crochet, and her own yarn, too) set us up with an unreleased pattern that I love. And then patiently coached me.
Is that the BEST sizing ever? She melded a larger bottom with a medium top, just like nature did for me ;-)  . I may be triangular but I am also very appreciative. 
This pinafore jumper/ apron dress will be out in 2018. I want to sew a jillion of them. 

Ok, you'll notice a return to blogging regularly, let alone DAILY,  is NOT amongst the three. I'll keep trying.....

For more 3 Things on Thursday, look over at the bottom of Carole's blog.


  1. I have been wanting to crank up my sewing machine too. Hopefully during Christmas break

  2. Gail:

    OMG, OMG, OMG! I am a viola player! I never run across viola players.

    I got lucky with a teacher who was the principal violist with the Chicago Symphony. He was my teacher in high school and went to Cubs games with me. After I got out of college he got me a job with the orchestra. After a couple of years, I had enough of working when my friends were off work, never mind the black formals you had to wear back then. Knitting and law school took over and I am now a happy knitting lawyer contemplating retirement. Thanks for you blog and your books.

  3. Oh, those are three Very Good things, indeed! Yoga is one of my Must Do things . . . or I get cranky (and creaky). I'm so glad you've re-discovered its pleasures. It sounds like you made the very most of a very dark (and un-favorite) month. (The solstice is only 3 weeks away now. . . ) XO

  4. Yoga and classical music and sewing - three fabulous things!

  5. I absolutely love "size Gale"!

  6. How did I not know you were a viola player? I am not at all knowledgeable about music, but like the the viola and love listening to classical music Going to the SPCO tonight! Barber's Adagio for Strings. I think there is a bit of viola in that!

  7. In this post, I find incredible beauty. Self-care and self-love are the greatest things in life, and things that are not easy to do. I applaud your things!

  8. Ooh, ooh, ooh! That sounds like an interesting sewing pattern!!


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