Friday, October 10, 2014

FOUND on Friday: infographics don't lie

Of course I cast on for a sweater, if you read my last post and had any doubts* .
 Which lead to me to the llustrated revelation** as I searched for materials.  Which led to this fun website for making pie charts . I adore assigning random percentages to things, don't you? 

* It's unlikely that it'll be done for Rhinebeck--maybe if I had a car driver and a different work & social schedule for this week. Glad I started it though...and, you never know. I bet it gets finished on Election Day when I'll be a Polling Official and have all those knitting hours .

**Yeah, well, there aren't cocktails or gelato at my LYS either but a girl can dream, right?

Toot toot! I am teaching another Interweave Webinar, this one will be Photo Editing For Knitters & Fiber Artists and it will be broadcast live October 22nd, you can join in and ask questions via chatmail. 
Or, enjoy it pre-recorded to watch at your leisure over and over.  Webinars are live recordings of instruction on your monitor--it is not a video of me talking to you, it is akin to a live PowerPoin t presentation. With lots of pretty pictures and relatively few dry bullet points.
Link here.
FYI my earlier Interweave webinar is also still available   Basic Photography for Knitters.


  1. Interesting. I have approximately 72 million size 7 needles myself. And my LYS lacks gelato and cocktails, too. Boo!

  2. Coffee! My LYS sells their own blend!

  3. I'm afraid to do this - I have enough Size 5 needles to supply the world. Must be the worsted size we all use that is the most frequent.

  4. I have a lot of 5s and 6s, but it never seems to be enough. This will be the first November election where I'll be able to knit -- usually I'm off in Absentee Ballot sequestration, and we work straight through. OTOH, we get to start 4 hours later, and we finish closing earlier.


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