Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Behind the Scenes: the unplanned for

So, about that regular blogging.  I now have an editorial calendar for this blog. You'd think it wouldn't make a difference but it feels very...committed.  You should try it.   I'm rolling it out soon, including a  regular BTS (Behind the Scenes) feature, mostly fiber or fabric related photo shoots. Why not start today?
This morning  a sweater kit  I shot for Zen Yarn Garden  went live. It's fun when these pop up, always a surprise treat. Have you seen their yarn? Pretty fabulous. This is Serenity   a superwash merino/cashmere blend (thought you'd ask). It feels divine, and looks even diviner, if that is a word.
I'd be lying if I said this shoot was easy. We had trouble aligning schedules. Then, it rained. One of the few rainy days all summer. Nasty, gray, stormy- not pretty, misty, delightful rain.  I had permission to shoot at the Madison Beach Hotel and hated to waste it, so off we trotted. The sun came out, yay-- but  it started setting, like, immediately. And I wasn't loving the background options--the waterfront was dotted with romantic sunset watchers, wandering into my image. The nerve!
Then I noticed a bicycle  left along a dune fence, the rider probably wandered onto the porch bar for a drink. It matched the sweater! I love when when that happens. A little extra sumpin' sumpin'. 
It is Rosh Hashana , the Jewish New Year,  tonight. I'll take this moment wish you - whether you celebrate or not--a sweet year filled with happy accidents.


  1. I'm always so impressed by how much you SEE the world. The bike is a perfect something extra! L'Shana Tova!

  2. I've got to get my editorial calendar together. I know it will help keep me on track.

    Beautiful shots, as always. I'm going to love this Behind the Scenes feature. I look forward to future posts.

    Wishing you and your family a happy new year.

  3. I'll get there, really. L'Shana Tova! Best wishes for a sweet new year to you all.

  4. Great bicycle. Best wishes for a happy new year to you and yours.

  5. Belated, but sincere - happy new year!

  6. An editorial calendar. Wow. I should try one. Hope you had a nice holiday.


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