Thursday, January 15, 2009

two for three

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One: today's little bread looked as good as it tasted. No. Strike that. It tasted better. Still in love with this bread book. A European Peasant boule, if you must know.
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Two: Feeling the love for Emerald, too. Above, an awkward sleeves-and-body-newly-attached cardigan back view.
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The yarn varies so crazily, look at this sleeve color against the center back. Good thing I won't be walking around with Gomukhasana Arms so it'll hardly be noticed. I strategize use of the skeins, saving the darkest for the wide ribbed collar that's knit on vertically at the end, and swapping in and out some of the very mixed ones.
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Three: Today I found out I have something very special in common with the much admired Yarn Harlot, Stephanie Pearl-McPhee. Did I find the ability to knit socks with whiplash speed? Nope. Was it a cleverly observed humorous knitting essay hiding deep within me springing forth for publication? Not a chance. What sprung forth was water dripping from the kitchen ceiling, followed by words springing from my plumber, Frank's, lips, telling me the toilet's waste water pipe has a leak requiring opening the kitchen ceiling and cutting into a cabinet , and an even worse case scenario includes opening a wall, which is only slightly less bad than thinking about bacteria laden H2O falling into the kitchen. I don't think he called Steph's plumber for a consultation, apparently this kind of thing is going around the knitblogging community. For your sakes', I hope its no where near as popular as two-stripe Noro scarves. That's all I'm saying.


  1. Living in an old house is always an adventure! Good luck!!

  2. You may not remember but we had the dining room ceiling fall in from a leak -- good luck. And I can't believe you made that bread. I may see if the library has that book. Of course, I really need several slices with butter. It will keep me warm.

  3. Anonymous10:20 AM

    Oh my goodness: I had the exact same thing happen in my house!! I ended up with a huge gaping hole in my kitchen ceiling for a while (eventually got it fixed, though).

    I'm so sorry about that - Hope it gets fixed soon.

    The bread book ROCKS!! I'm hoping to start my second batch this weekend.

  4. Yeesh, the perfect time of year to be opening up your kitchen ceiling. My condolences.

  5. Uh oh...good luck with the leak. During our recent rains, our living room ceiling started to peel and flake. A few swipes on the roof with some tar worked for now.

    Hahahaha! I just finished a Noro Striped Scarf and have started another. Me and 5,000 others!!

  6. Oh boy. Good luck!

  7. Suddenly, I am truly thankful for my ranch-style house.

    I need that book. Yum!

  8. Anonymous8:14 PM

    Oh, I feel for you. I'm glad you are finding joy in the real stuff.

  9. We had that happen at an old farmhouse we were renting years ago. We moved, thanking our lucky stars it was the landlord's problem and not ours...
    Are you going to name the sweater the No Cow Face Cardigan?

  10. Hopefully you have one of those expert house-cutter-uppers that Steph found!

    Oy gevalt. Be strong.

  11. Well...that Emerald is going to be amazing!!


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