Thursday, January 08, 2009


Sitting by the inbox, awaiting a promised jpeg of the big-haired nephew in his supersized Bounce (rav link) that he swears fits perfectly. To fill the time, a follow up on unfinished business:
Seasonal food & celebrating. Check! We invited friends over for Vodkas & Latkes. Ten pounds of potatoes later, much fun, the house smelled like frying spuds & onions for a week. We did pretty well with the vodka, too. I hadn't bought vodka in years and was blown away to find a choice of, like, fifty kinds? None of them ginger FYI but, whew, everything else. The day I made that little potato head for the invite photo, I left it sitting on the counter. My 15 yo came home, shook his head and said "y'know, Mom, you really need to get a life"
1208famvar_315A knitting gift given to a sister who is now (insert sinister laugh) a compulsive knitter herself. Since she's at the "hey I've accumulated a bunch of yarny stuff but what to carry it around in and why can't I find a tape measure" stage, I planned to put together a little project bag with everything but the knitting . You know: tape measure, crochet hook, little scissors, stitchmarkers in a little tin. Conveniently enough found Julip Bags , who had a lovely EBTK (yeah--that's Everything But The Knitting) bag for sale. The one I ordered had a fab bright red lining and an art nouveau-ish taupe, brown & turquoise flower pattern outside. Delivery so fast I felt it it arrived the moment I clicked online. My only disappointment: it came so beautifully wrapped , I couldn't peek a preview.
I added a set of
Harmony dpns and there ya go, oh, yeah, during chanukah I escorted said sister to a LYS . I helped her select a skein of sock yarn which, she says may or may not become socks.
The other knitterly gift tossed around came to me from the sister above. At Rhinebeck she chatted with Jennie the Potter, and forbade me to walk by that booth or look online. Being obedient, I didn't. Being short-memoried, I totally forgot so ....surprise! A sheepy tea mug. I'm wary of attracting sheep themed stuff, considering my reputation for, you know, lurking around fiber farms. Most of it's too cute or too pink (sorry Cookie, nothing personal) for my taste- but this one? The exception.
Let's see, what else? The big pile of green Araucania Naturewool Chunky is on the needles again, this time as Emerald. After going through hundreds- yes, I really do mean hundreds- of patterns I settled on this. I hope I didn't choose it for it's colorly association, I'm so damn suggestible.
people More as it stacks up.More as it stacks up.


  1. That's hysterical. Your sister showed Rebecca and I the mug and said that you'd forget about it by the time the holiday came around. She knows you well. :)

    Next year can I be an honorary guest at your potato and vodka party? I'll even bring the vodka!

  2. Oooh! I like that sheep mug. I got one, too, from a knitting friend. I wish I could describe it better, but it's a sheep mug without being sheepy. I love it.

  3. Vodka and latkes? How do I get invited to this party?

    There is no such thing as too much pink. ;^)

  4. Mmmm! Homemade latkas! I'm coming next year...I'll even sing the latka song to get that invite I just extended myself. :D

    Emerald is an excellent choice, I think.

  5. Yes! Yes! Latkes! I'll bring the potatoes and we'll MAKE the vodka, too!

    YouTube: The LeeVees singing "Applesauce -vs- Sour Cream.

    I love Araucania! That's the same yarn that used for the beret I made for Halloween. It's sumptous and felts wonderfully, though I realize you likely won't felt Emerald. Intentionally....

  6. I'm thinking you need to have a vodka and latke party for your blogging friends!

  7. We had the latkes but no vodka. Will rectify that next year (or sooner). I'm with Cookie on the pink thang, but that sweater is going to be gorgeous!

  8. The Araucania might be the most perfect shade of green ever!

  9. What fabulous gifts. Can I be your sister too? The green of Araucania really is glorious, I'm keeping my fingers crossed for round two.

  10. Anonymous1:42 PM

    Jennie's mugs are delightful, as are her non-sheepy bowls, etc. Now you can go check out her website!

    Great pattern choice - we'll look forward to seeing it develop.


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