Tuesday, October 23, 2007

gittin'er done

Lately I've been feeling like the guy you hire to do work on your house. When the job is 98% done , he just stops coming by, and there's this one little piece of trim that hasn't been put back up, and you just can't believe that it is left like that. For weeks. You know what I mean.

This week I couldn't stand it any longer. I -whheeeeee!- knit and cast off the button bands for the Cutaway I started almost 2 years ago, it's been near the finish line for a while now. I can't bear to bore you with unblocked unseamed sweater pieces, but I am just rarin' to block & sew.

Earlier today, I uploaded the last two teeny remaining images for my book cover - I know, can you imagine I left out something so critical as the center square of the cover?- to PotterCraft. That felt good. Anti-climactic, but good.

Then I dug into my most unfavorite, much procrastinated upon task, bookkeeping. I need a carrot on the end of the mind-numbing-number- entering-category-checking stick for this one , so I went out and purchased yarn - lovely Araucania Nature Wool Bulky in what I think is the third color from the top on the little card from that link but mine is deeper in its hand-dyedness, with less variegation in tones. I am allowed to cast on a frivolous Juliet sweater for myself as soon as the books are kept. Or....whenver I can rationalize casting on sooner.


  1. Lookit choo, weaving in all those loose ends!

    The Juliet is a stunner--I nabbed some Arucania Nature Cotton in Natural for to make a summer top, but now it's October!

    Well done you...

  2. Anonymous12:44 AM

    Ooh, I remember the whole Cutaway/button debate. Looking forward to seeing more of that. Is it sort of Sunrise-Circle-ish?

  3. It must feel great to be cleaning up those projects and tasks.

  4. I'm at the same place in Moonlight (Rowan) and cursing the day I thought working it as it was written (seamed) I just hate sewing up. Baaa bye sounds like the guy from the Mclaughlin group on sunday mornings. So great to see the book cover!! now lie down and take a nap.

  5. Anonymous9:35 PM

    I've been there more times than I'd like to count. I am queen of the court of Procrastination.


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