Thursday, October 11, 2007

dear norma

*I was going to send this as a private note to Norma, but then decided to be an opportunist, now it's a a blog post, come read along

Well how're things up there? I've been meaning to tell you about the Really Big Red Scarf To-Do that you didn't take my advice and call in sick to attend, the Orphan Foundation of America Congressional Care Package Event in Washington two weeks ago. It was awesome. I mean it. From the moment I had my all-access-I-am-cool Senate pass slapped on and headed up to our room just to the left (thank God, politically speaking, how could I be to the right of the senate??) of the Senate Chambers it was a blur of activity . The OFA folks did a smashing job setting up a display of things that go into a care package, for my Photo-Op Corner, highlighted of course by some very beautiful hand knit red scarves.
And Norma, they are just gaw-jus this year! I was more or less pinned there for the whole event, as the Photo part of the Op; the Op part was a rushing stream of Senators,"quick, do my photo, where's a student, I'm the senator from Alaska , I'm getting called for a vote in just a few seconds" , US Reps and other Very Important Folks who came to pose stuffing a care package with an honest-to-goodness OFA college student. These photos will go out to media in their home states , spreading the word that kids who are in college but have no families need support!
Two students and two OFA staffers who run the Red Scarf program from the office.

It was a fine group of college kids there too.
Here're the students on a tour of the rotunda , later in the day.

Just like last year when we did a little PR trip to visit OFA kids in New Hampshire together (remember that ? On the Freakin Coldest Day of the whole winter?) , the students were heartbreakingly, genuinely, touched by having us knit them scarves.

Anyway, Norma, the red scarf fund is doing you proud, as are the knitters. I was told that "some of Norma's People" would be there, and honestly, I kind of thought of that as Norma's Knitting Army, and expected a pack of folks to walk in with big sashes across their chests, wielding needles. How crazy is that?

Anyway, wish you were there. Next year in DC!
And to all of you reading along, send in your scarves this week! You can have a couple of extra days but don't go too far.

your faithful correspondent,

An aside: If you are reading this and saw me there in the corner taking photos maniacally, I just want to say I know my hair looked bad and I've done something about the bangs since then. I like to shoot sheep, not look like them, really.


  1. Nice pix as usual. I mailed my package yesterday with an ok scarf from me and two beautiful scarves left at the Yarnery next to your poster.

  2. Oh, Gale! What a wonderful rundown of the Event I Wish I'd Made. Thank you!

  3. How gratifying it must have been to be there. And I love your remark about your room being on the LEFT. Good one!

  4. So great. Your description of the senators running in for their photo ops sounds about like I imagined it.

  5. Anonymous12:10 PM

    There is something irresistibly Norman Rockwell about that third photo, which makes me ferklempt. You are really good at this photography thing.

  6. Anonymous12:15 PM

    Oh. That was me. I hate to be anonymous, like the people who leave Go Red Sox (all caps plus exclamation points) comments on our blog as if this is the only possible thing to say in response to my mentioning that my little boy is sad about the Yankees losing.

    Nothing against the Red Sox! Remember that baseball and real life are intertwined yet--I know this is hard to believe-- they are not the same thing! Why am I saying this here? Oh! Because I accidentally posted anonymously! LOL!

    Crazed with baseball grief (NOT!) in NY

  7. What a wonderful report. Thank you so much for sharing with all of us, Gale.

  8. lol, lol. from the scarf to the people, from the general to the specific. lovely pix! xo


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