Friday, November 10, 2006

red(y) to go

The Bar Mitzvah was a crazy joyful blur. We observed, we ate, we hora'd, we Motowned, we resurrected bad dances of the seventies through nineties, we gave meaning to the vow to dance like no one was watching. I may have one hell of a messy house and be behind for work pretty much everything now but oy, such naches. (linked because although there was plenty of eating, tortilla chips weren't on the menu and I don't want you non-yiddish speakers to get the wrong visuals).

I'm returning to my usual diversions of blog reading and pattern perusing and scheming what to knit next. There's the holiday gift knitting, of course, and big, so big, in my plans : The Red Scarf Project. I was thinking red all day. I haven't decided on what red pattern to do first but am loving this new Grumperina pattern. I am very very tempted by the red dominated sari silk on Destash, I figure that'd do well mixed in as stripes with with some solid red yarn , and some other colors I have here already, to knit simple lengthwise scarves. (I am so tempted you may see that first set of skeins sold by the time you click over there but fear not, there are more below it).

I was thinking about what colors went well with what shades of red, knowing not everyone loves the primary bright red, so I took my camera along the dog walking route today. There's surely a red for everyone. I'm inspired.


  1. I love your red ensemble. I have been doing/seeing lots of red lately and I like it!
    "I'm returning to my usual diversions of blog reading and pattern perusing and scheming what to knit next."
    sounds like you have been watching me...
    guilty here as well.

  2. Anonymous11:11 PM

    I was thinking of you last weekend. Glad all went well. And very glad to have you back. Lovely photos!

  3. I'm think of La Harlot's scarf pattern from just a short while back for a red scarf.

    Only (sniff) I have no red yarn!

    I may try the Kool-Aid thang...

    Your red montage is so fall-ish. MMmmmmmmmmm. Purty.

    Think about a Steam-Along after the first of the year... 'member?

  4. Red is my favorite color in any form or variety. Your pictures are spectactular, as always.

  5. Anonymous9:18 AM

    I love your photo montage! You obviously live in an interesting area. That plate edging! Must file that idea....

  6. ditto- love the red-themed montage - gorgeous photography. cheers!!!


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