Saturday, November 14, 2015

november post 11: modern lopi one launches

Two days of teaching at Fibre Space in Old Town Alexandria was a blast Great store and great students. I am already plotting a return. But, nary moment to blog. Or even knit. Oh, the irony.
Fortunately I have some good hearty Knitting News to share with you:
 The release of this new book, Modern Lopi.  Do yourself a favor and pre-order now. Lopapeysas (and more) for all. Info and just a few more photos on Lars' site, about the book and patterns.

You can see my name on the cover. This was a memorable photo shoot, on a jungle steamy hot summer day last year. The lag time-- or as it is known in the publishing world, production- makes an instant gratification-type person like me  twitchy. And then one day, there it is, all put together and beautiful, like a little party bursting out. All the particular challenges of the work are faded from memory and all the very best parts are shining there in the photos. I'm looking forward to having my nice fresh copy soon.


*I really hope this means see you later in Icelandic. I mean, I looked it up on the internets, it has to be true...


  1. Oooo...LOVE Lopi-style knits. This book looks awesome. Congrats on getting your name on the COVER! Lopi yarn for California is just too heavy. Maybe I could knit a few of these in cotton yarn!

  2. Can't wait to see this one!


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