Thursday, October 23, 2014

Postcards from Rhinebeck 2014

A thing one can count on in life:the NY Sheep & Wool Festival  is always a good time.
 Babydoll Southdown Sheep. Want. I'll tell my neighbors they are Shoodles.

 It's all about the people, and the making community. So many talented, creative, fun friends in one place! Clockwise from upper left: Jill DraperCal Patch, Ariana McLean- my festival partner in crime,  Laura Nelkin, Sam from A Gathering of Stitches (and Mr AGOS, Don), Sonya Philip and that's Amy Lou's head.
Two of my darling housemates* Misa Erder & Kim Andersen, proving that yoga and roller derby, respectively, make for good posture while knitting. And fabulous smiles. The rest? No captions needed.
There was shopping**. Hanging with Kirsten Kapur/Through the Loops was delightful, as always. Good company and I love her eye. That's her new basket filled with purchases. Right? I bought from my fave soap /body lotion vendor, and Ariana, who matches me in the Indecisive Shopper Club, chose a handmade wool coat***.
The festival requires visiting faves: Nanne Kennedy at her SeaColors booth, the apple cider donuts hut (that is at the very closing minute, no lines) and THAT tree.
Lest you think it was all peaceful and bucolic: an overview looking towards the foodstands/ABCD buildings, and the scrum of friends in big, noisy, largely unphotographed meetup: Beverly Army Williams, Kay Gardiner and Sarah Sprung.
Parting shot. From Kiki Luscious, an IG friend I got to meet in person!

Just a few notes:
While prepping to teach the Photo Editing for Knitters webinar yesterday, I got waaay into making collages in the software I demo'ed.  So much so that Interweave has asked me to teach a photo collage webinar next month. I used it to do this post. Not bad, eh?
* I stayed at the big eccentric house again, shared with a dozen or so wonderful folks--and it was joyous. Lots of hanging out and knitting in the kitchen, laughter, and a banging potluck.
** I bought yarn! I was decisive! I'll share in another post.
***the coat was made by a vendor with the name Ursula in it. Regretfully I can't recall the proper title.


  1. I always feel like next year in Jerusalem. @016 for sure!

  2. Hahaha! Mary Lou..."next year in Jerusalem," for sure! I've always wanted to go to Rhinebeck. It's quite a trek from California, but Gale's FANTASTIC photos are drawing me in!

  3. I'm going to refer folks to your blog for that Rhinebeck blissful feeling. Stealing some photos for my screensaver. AAhhh.

  4. Thank you for the postcards. They bring back so many fun memories. I can't believe it was less than a week ago. Feels like a lifetime already.

  5. The color and the friends and the sheep and all the other wonderful things that make up Rhinebeck! I so wish I could be there. Here's to next year!

  6. thanks for sending us a few postcards!!! the show has certainly expanded and changed a bit since i was there .... years ago!!!! sounds like a return trip is past due!

  7. Bring back that Rhinebeck feeling, oohh that Rhinebeck feeling, bring back that Rhinebeck feeling, now it's gone gone gone (sung to the Righteous Brothers, You've Lost That Loving Feeling). Your postcards satisfy my jonesing for that blissful Rhinebeck feeling. I got my fix.
    I'm really glad we got more hang out & knit & chat time at the house this year. Conrad confirmed we have the house for next year. Yay!

  8. What a fun post to read! You really captured the essence of fiber fests. (Now I want a shoodle.) Here's a suggestion for your webinar--collages can be used to design modular afghans by creating a jpg of each module and putting them together in a collage. I posted about it last month: Painting my Knitting
    I'm knotingale on gmail.

  9. Aww, I still can't believe I had to miss it this year! Thanks for the virtual trip.


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