Can we dwell a little on my so-called Rhinebeck mitts? They waved at the blogsphere from the Yarn Harlot's reportage last week. (scroll down, we're just under Pamela Wynne/Flint Knits and her well styled scarf). I showed them in the last post but they deserve their own stage. Truly, they do. I mean, I have been churning out some knits, catching up with yarn accumulated in my travels. I've been feathering my nest for winter. Yeah, I know this means accumulating wealth. Knitted wealth.

My bulkier weight handspun from that same acquisition became the Kremlin hat by Annie Modesitt.
I went for the poetics of knitting with yarn from a Minnesota fiber festival, to wear at a new York one. I bumped into Annie at Shepherds Harvest as well as in New Hampshire last month, so it's all destiny.

Or something like that. This pattern's fun to knit: short row wedges, knit flat, then joined and the brim is knit in the round. Perfect for this crazy bumpy multicolored handspun. The mitts, too, were so pleasing to make that when I finished the pair, I knit a spare one. But then I had enough yarn left for a fourth, which meant a full second pair. Greedy!

All photo credits of me & my knits: Ariana McLean. The photo of Ariana? That's a portrait of her in mitts. If you've taken a class from me, you know I'd say that it's not a photo of mitts, right?
you are so adorable, especially in those sweet handknits.
Same here, love hand spun, no desire to spin. Love your mitts! Sorry I didn't make Rhinebeck, glad you took photos!
So great! You've inspired me to dig down in my stash of handspun and pull out the skeins of wobbly imperfection (not that what I spin now is perfect) for similar projects. Thanks!
I also I'm really thinking of you and your family as I hear reports of Sandy bearing down on the east coast. I hope for the best for all of you! Take care!
Hey are those the mitts you were working on in Maine? Cute. And so are you, of course. Hope you are doing ok with Frakenstorm. My sister called to see if we wanted to come back for another week at her house without power, kind of an annual gathering. We declined.
Oh man! I LOVE that handspun yarn too! I've never knit with any yarn that chunky and nubbily! The mitts, hat and niece are all gorgeous!
I thought that yarn looked familiar!
Great job all around.
(Still kicking myself for not connecting during Rhinebeck.)
Love them both! I stay away from spinning wheels and spindles 'cause I know I am not immune. Once caught, the spinning bug would have me for life.
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