Friday, June 24, 2011

really? this is work?

At the Photographing Your Knits class on Saturday at Webs,(link to next class in July) we played with contrasting backgrounds. Zarzuela's Fibers was our lovely handspun model.
I am sure those driving by kind of wondered what we were up to. So much fun, and what an awesome class.
It's not just all shoot, shoot, shoot though.  I finished my Gaia shawl a couple of weeks ago, more views and blab about it in another post. Can I just say? I don't think I'll ever get tired of this pattern & Noro yarn together.


  1. Ooooo...rusted metal and handspun yarn! What a terrific combo!!

    LOVE your current Gaia. Noro-tastic colors, of course.

  2. I know that tall girl! :D

    Sounds like a great class and what a beautiful shawl!


  3. Looks like a blast!
    Love the purple yarn, and love your shawl even more.

  4. Your workshops are wonderful and I've heard from people that attended that this one was a hit. The shawl is gorgeous.

  5. Really enjoyed the class. Sad that I can't attend the next one. :(

    Sandra (the black tee & tan pants)

  6. Sounds like a great, fun class.. Your shawl is so beautiful.. love the colors too.

  7. Whoa. My yarn is totally famous! ;-) Thanks for the great class and I'm very much looking forward to the next one!

    Gorgeous shawl too!

  8. For the first time, I get to read a post about one of your classes without feeling a twinge of envy. I can't wait until you are here in the Twin Cities and I'm taking your class!


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