First, there was the wonderful class 2 weeks ago at Loop & Leaf in Santa Barbara. Reports here, here and here. What a fab group of knitters! And the setting, 100% charming. Just a short one, a 3 hour class, on Photographing Your FOs. No kidding, I was plotting a return appearance before I left the premises. Interested? contact me, or Celeste at the shop.
A week later I headed to Virginia, for the Juniper Moon Farm Photo Workshop Weekend . (click to get some idea of the action). I like to think of it as the first ever, because that hints of return, which I am all for.

little known fact: Susan is a fabulous trained chef. Eating well at Juniper Moon. Seriously.This was lunch break.
Go get a drink and put your feet up, the rest of this post is long with lots of photos.
Susan Gibbs, or Shepherd Susie as she is known on Twitter, is the brains and the beauty behind Juniper Moon. We'd been talking about doing something together for ages and boy was it fun to finally do it. And what a fabulous group joined us. (If any of you are reading this, post links to your own photos from last weekend in the comments, OK? I know you've got the goods).
A weekend workshop means plenty of time to shoot, to get to know your subjects,

And oh the cuteness! Lambs & kids & her beautiful dogs.

Did I mention the chickens? Good looking chickens.
Dyeing demo. The weekend format left time for a couple of yarn experiences that were interesting as well as photogenic- and we also had time to download images and discuss. I have to tell you, this doesn't seem like work to me at all. I know it's self-promotional as all get out to say this , but if this looks like fun to you, bookmark this link, where I list upcoming workshops. The next one is in Kentucky! July 10th & 11th.
What a fantastic workshop! I so want to hug a lambykins and do a longer workshop.
ok, I'd better get going on the Yarnery one or we'll never get into your schehule. I'm in northern CA with my sisters. FUNFUNFUN
Wow, that looks like a wonderful weekend. Love the shot of the lamb wearing the sweater. I got my package today, let the plotting begin!
Next time at The Loop & Leaf in Santa Barbara, let's import some lambs for the photo workshop!!!! Great photos!!
Did Mary Lou say the Yarnery? Sign me up, now!
(Do you think they will let us bring lambs into the shop?)
When you make a class look like this much fun, you're going to end up booked 24/7. (You'll have to come up with a new class "How to take photos in your sleep")
What fun!
Lamb in emerald lace: SQUEEEEEEEEE!
And you know I am usually impervious to the lambs. To me they are as livestock. But this guy??????? OMG.
The little lamb is making me talk baby talk to my computer. Soooo cuuuute.
Oh yeah, the knitting is beautiful too.
beautiful beautiful beautiful
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