Friday, February 19, 2010

in lieu of looking at those socks

I met my friend & colleague Joanne* to talk shop earlier this week.
She brought me eight perfect little eggs from her chickens. Here's what I've had for lunch every day since, inspired by a sandwich at the Iris Cafe in Brooklyn last month. You know how you accidentally get a really good sandwich and then try to find it again?
It's better on really crusty french bread or multi grain toast but all I could scrum up today was a bagel.
Go, look at her work.  (link to her yarn photos).  Her superpower is achieving harmony in composition.No idea how, but she always nails it.


  1. mmmm fresh eggs!

  2. Her work is really beautiful. I had to click on 'afterlife' wondering what it could be. Very cool. Also, I had a dream last night that I went to see you new animated film. A new career path?

  3. Yummm....bagels, eggs, lettuce...a perfect combination of textures, tastes and colors!

    With a name like Schmaltz, Joanne had better be a good photographer!!! I do love her still life pix!

  4. Oooh, that sandwich looks yummy.

  5. Love fresh eggs.
    That looks delicious.
    For myself, I wold add a little bacon and tomato.

  6. What an inspiration! Both the quality of your photos and the yumminess of your lunch... I have fresh eggs, and even enough to keep a box of hard-boiled ones on hand most of the time, so that is going on this week's menu. Thanks!


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