Tuesday, December 15, 2009

getting gifty

Sanatcon group santa pubcrawl, New HavenSantacon , New Haven Ct on Saturday
No matter what holiday you celebrate- assuming you do celebrate something this month, a pagan howl at the moon? - you probably need to give some gifts. Maybe you're making some, maybe you're all wrapped & ready, maybe you've  even given some for the first three candles of Chanukah, maybe you're still thinking. Maybe, like me, you are all of the above?
Oh, good. Then let's talk. I figured I'd do  gift suggestions, in installments. Only suggestions there are still time to do, without too much crazy.  Let's call it the
She Shoots Sheep Shots Very Biased Gift Guide
Let's start out with my , ahem,  very favorite gifting knitting book, Shear Spirit
( see biased, above).

No seriously, it makes a great gift. You can give it to an addicted experienced knitter, you can give it to someone just getting into fiber so they can learn about where yarn comes from in an approachable, conversational way, or you can give it to someone who loves to travel and enjoys photography. Most  definitely it is for the someone who dreams of chucking the townhouse and living with  goats and  alpaca off a dirt road somewhere pretty.

Like wine, a book needs a pairing. (Actually, pairing a book with wine is also a good idea, but we'll stay fiber focused, OK?)
My suggestions:
for the knitter or spinner:  Shear Spirit and a skein or two of  indie farm yarns or roving

Some of the farms profiled in the book have online order sites and swoon worthy yarn

(left, from Montana) 13 Mile Lamb & Wool - organic, plant  dyed, spun at their own ranch mill

                               or (right)  handspun alpaca  from Victory Ranch in New Mexico.

  or ask at your LYS, they may have yarn from a farm nearby.
If you want to be really nice, stick a piece of yarn, bookmark style,  in a page with a pattern Tell your giftee you'll knit that for them. But be nice to yourself, don't say by when.

Alternative pairing, for the livestock lover:
 Shear Spirit and a share in a CSA fiber farm
Some suggestions, check with your state's (in the US)  farm bureau there might be one close by. Most of them welcome a visit.

Alternative pairing for the fiber lover with a charitable and giving attitude: 
the book Shear Spirit and a share of sheep by donating to  Heifer International,
an international aid non-profit agency that gives people training and livestock, allowing them to make sustainable livings in their communities around the globe.

More  tomorrow....happy gifting!


  1. LOVE your fibery gift ideas, Gale!

  2. Excellent suggestions!! Especially the book..

  3. Scouring the globe for unexpected gift ideas! Thanks!

    The Santacon pic looks like a scene from a movie I'd really love to see. (The director is Italian; the Santa costumes are never explained.) Holiday card? Hmmm? Are you on this?

  4. Wonderful ideas! (Especially the 'don't say by when' part...)

  5. Great suggestions! I love your book and you're absolutely right, it's a great gift. The suggested pairings are delectable!

  6. A lovely post, and of course the book is a great idea... now for those who already have one, so is the idea of a CSA share... I will have to check and see if that is available around here.

  7. Wow! Gale, I am honored to be included in your gift guide.
    Thanks and Happy Holidays,

  8. Thank you for supporting family fiber farms and promoting the "knit local movement"!

    If you are ever in Vermont, please stop by Grand View Farm!



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