Sunday, November 22, 2009


A couple of wonderful things showed up on the weekend.
Hand dyed handspun yarn by Annie at Maple Corners. She calls this Fire & Ice. I met Annie last summer in Minnesota, at the photo workshop. Among her many talents is making gorgeous yarn, often from her own alpaca. And look at what she wove. I can't wait to do something with it, I'm thinking (ravlink) Wave Cowl. Which would be extra special since then I'd know the designer and fiber artist. Here's her shop, I couldn't decide what I wanted so I said it had to be soft enough to be on my bare neck and asked her to surprise me, color-wise. I love it.
But the best thing to cross our doorstep? My older baby is home for the week. It's good to have him casting his shadow around here again. Now if I can get a round of crab empanadas out of him, it'll be a very excellent visit.


  1. Is it a coincidence that the yarn matches the colors of your son's shadow?
    Perhaps it wants to be for him...

  2. most mothers just get dirty laundry....

  3. isn't annies yarn wonderful! i have a hat i made with some she sent...lvoe it!


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