Sunday, November 29, 2009

almost a movie title

Except we have no doorbell, and I'd call her a postal delivery person. So,
The PO knocked once:
vinatage seed and bean resin buttons
When my oldest bff said she was sending a care package, I knew it'd contain her Imperial Cookies. I suspected, correctly, it'd contain some cuts of shot cotton because we are on a mutual quest for it, and she'd called me from Spool a couple of weeks ago exclaiming over the checkered colors.
vinatage seed and bean resin buttons
What I didn't know is she'd been to a flea market and found these vintage resin buttons with seeds and beans in them. Which she correctly knew I'd be crazy about.
vinatage seed and bean resin buttons
Not sure what I'll do with them but for sure something knit. And maybe something sewn like an apron. And maybe some will go on etsy.

The PO knocked twice, in abundance of thoughtful friends:
Do I not have the most beautiful potholder in the world? All during the Thanksgiving cooking, people kept telling me it was too pretty to use, it should be on the wall. Considering I'd enshrined a warshrag there earlier this year, I liked the way they were thinking. Except I really needed a new potholder so it went to work.
and a mid century modern cookbook sponsored by an insurance company, I love them!
Hand crocheted & felted & gifted by my blog pal Ellen Bloom, who rocks crochet in a way I rarely see elsewhere.
Exception maybe the character Felicity in Pirate Radio. Seriously, she is wearing a different piece of crochet in every scene.(Wish I could find a better still from the film online to show you what I mean but you can surely pick her out in the group.) It was incredibly distracting and craft inspiring. Made me want to whip up some granny squares while blasting the Stones and dancing. All at the same time.


  1. Oh the buttons are an amazing find. I have never seen anything like them. The potholder is classic Ellen. She really does know how to work a hook. She's my crochet hero.

  2. Anonymous12:14 AM

    Those buttons are AMAZING. I can't wait to see what you do with them!

  3. CinderOla9:03 AM

    I love LOVE LOVE those buttons! I wonder if I can find something online on how to make some. :)

  4. The buttons are fantastic!

    Pirate Radio was a great movie and the crochet was the first thing I noticed.

  5. Anonymous10:30 AM

    Those are really cool buttons!!!!

    And that bread next too the beautiful potholder is making me hungry. BTW, i bought the five min bread book you recommended. i'll be experimenting today if my little lady lets me!

  6. O.M.G., those buttons are unbelievable! Why don't I ever find stuff like that?

  7. If you use those buttons, be sure it on fabric of avocado and harvest gold. I was using a potholder on thanksgiving made for me by a 8 year old. She is now 22, and saw the stack of potholders still in use, just looked at me and said "Really, are you kidding?" I think she was secretly pleased.

  8. WOW! Gale, I'm honored that you took such a faboo photo of my (YOUR) felted potholder. Glad you like it and the vintage cookbook too!

    Those buttons are truly amazing. Don't waste them on an apron! They need to be displayed on a sweater that you will wear outside for all the world to see! Looks like you have quite a few of these button beauties. You could split them up...apron, sweater, hat, etc.

  9. Oh yeah...I'm thinking you really should make yourself a long, granny square vest...those buttons would look great on it!

  10. Fab. That is the only word to describe the buttons and anything in granny square crochet.

  11. Anonymous8:38 AM

    wow wow wow!! those buttons are exquisite!


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