Saturday, April 04, 2009

i'm IN! thank you and you and you and you....

this is how I felt at midnight last night
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...and you...and you...and you...and you...and you...and you...and you...and you...and you...and you...and you...and you...and you...and you...and you...and you...and you...and you...and you...and you...and you...and you...and you...and you...and you...and you...and you...and you...and you...and you...and you...and you...and you!
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My Dream Assignment made it into the top 20 finalist list, now to be judged by Microsoft & their minion. Keep thinking positive for me...we are amazingly powerful.

I am grateful for that knitters' energy unleashed! I joined into the competition late. Like 36 hours before the final tally. I truly felt the power of your support- Ann & Kay, and Cara and Scout and Norma and Margene and Wendy (who later plurked too )all blogged early yesterday, Amy Twittered, Debbie got the Ravelry boards rolling, and so many many others of you joined in and blogged or emailed or facebooked. wow. Sorry if I am not mentioning and linking to all of you. I held my breath for so long watching the total last night, I'm oxygen deprived still.
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I've mostly been running around screaming inside my head since midnight. I'm going out of town for a couple days , visiting a friend in the US from overseas, so I'll get the mohair locks and yarn winners sorted out during that time and announce on Tuesday.
I should find out if there's anything else I need to do for the next level of competition judging of us finalists. From the rules it sounds like they'll be in touch. Little bit of mystery. I'll let you know when it happens. Since my project is to benefit and show the work of Heifer, I was in touch with them, but it was too soon to say much beyond "hey I have this great idea on a proposal" . Now I'd love to have a more concrete connection- so if any of you know someone on the board, or in the executive administration, shoot me an email.
whew. I need to go knit and calm down a little.


  1. It was our pleasure to help you potentially do this great thing! It's a perfect combination of passions, purpose, and exactly the right photographer to make it something special.

  2. Anonymous5:20 PM

    I was up till midnight watching and refreshing the page just to see the results!!!

    I'm so proud of and excited for you! What a great proposal!

  3. It was exciting watching the tally go up - and what a turnaround after I woke this morning to see you were 23 and thought you were out, then to learn you made it in through the interesting tie rules. So happy for you!

  4. Congrats Gale for making the cut. I will keep sending happy mojo your way.

  5. Congratulations. It sounded like an amazing project, and I am so pleased that knitters were able to use their power to get you into the finals.

  6. sjanova8:14 PM

    This is such a terrific project. No wonder it won all of us knitters over -- and I'm betting it'll win the next level of judges, too. What better, in this climate, to demonstrate how teaching a person to fish instead of handing her/him a fish to eat... What a perfect fit for today's needs. Congrats, Gale.

  7. What a thriller! Congratulations on making the short list.

  8. Woo Hoo! You're truly a star, Gale. You have so many supporters around the country! Very impressive! Best of luck! All L.A. knitters are sending best wishes your way!

  9. Oh, Congratulations!!! I'm so pleased for you. I'm all tingly.

    Now I've got to go make the announcement on my blog...

  10. YAY!! If we'd had another day you'd be number one!

  11. Congratulations to you and you and you!!! You deserve this now go forth and get it.

    We'll be sending lots of good vibes your direction.

  12. Excellent! This is only the beginning - I forsee great things!

  13. Anonymous12:05 PM

    Hooray, I'm so excited for you!

  14. Congratulations!!

    I am thrilled to hear about it!

    Your idea is so powerful and well thought out, and I hope you get picked for the dream.

    I'm happy for you, and I'm also happy for our knitting community -- this really made it hit home how interconnected we are! It's fantastic that you could mobilize such support at the eleventh hour

  15. Congratulations! It was so exciting to see the final count with you at number 20.

  16. Congrats Gale - so very cool. We're big Heifer fans already; hoping you get the chance to spread their story!

  17. Woohoo!
    Keeping my fingers crossed for you, buty irt's mnakng me ttype ffuynny..

  18. I danced a jig of joy for you. And made my son vote before he could go out with his friend. Hee.

  19. glad we could help ya!! smile

  20. Well done, you! I'll use my mind-control on the Microsofties since they're literally just down the street.....

  21. Oh that is awesome, just to get so far! What's the latest? The photos say it all so well, I hope they review your current/past work before passing you by!


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