Thursday, February 05, 2009

locked out

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We're not sharing any photos of Wednesday night, when I met Carole & Dale for dinner.
Why so top secret? Are we hatching a plot to overthrow knitblogdom in our Fat Babies and handknit mittens? Nah. Are we embarrassed that we dragged our lace scarves through the olive oil dish by accident? Nope.
Believe it or not, neither of us brought a camera (!). Or any knitting. (double!). Rest easy, between three of us in that booth, we sported ten handknit garments, at least. Or 15 if you count socks and mittens individually. Her sweater btw? Wonderful. I don't think we were overdoing- it was so cold in southeastern Mass I'd have gladly stuffed unspun batts down my pants and under my shirt to warm up. And, no, I wouldn't have shown a photo of that, either.

Carole & I have been just missing each other at wool festivals all over the northeast. When I was hired to shoot a project in her neck of the woods, we finally had our chance. We drank, we ate, we laughed, we gossiped about knitters far and wide, we commiserated on life with teenagers, we talked politics, and movies, y'know, it was dinner out with just the kind of friends you want to have. And all thanks to the internets!

Back at my chilly and anonymous hotel, things went downhill fast. I decided to try on my partially complete Francis . Pulling her on, I broke the join off one end of the circular needles , dropping stitches all over the place as the cable unsnaked. (Fit good though).
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The photo shoot was all about teachers and students. The location: unrepentantly old school. And I mean literally.
Doesn't this remind you of that dream where you can't get out of high school until you take one last final but oh crap you realize you never went to class, and the test is in a few minutes...

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I have no idea what this is about. They stopped at the same intersection as I did, just for a minute, in Providence. When they saw me looking, they hit the horn. It moooooed.


  1. Anonymous10:05 AM

    Oh, dear. Sorry about the needles breaking and your sweater losing stitches because of that! What a nightmare. I hope that it wasn't as bad as it sounds.

    And the car. *snerk* - LOVE the car. Through a bizarre series of coincidences (that I won't go in to here), many long years ago, people decided that I collected cows. I was given cow EVERYTHINGs (figurines, cookie jars, table items, etc)!!! I finally took advantage of a move out of the country to send a formal announcement that I never wanted cow things again. Thankfully, this seemed to stop the trend.

    Probably explains why I avoid the typical knitterly "sheepy" obsession...

  2. Dale and I had so much fun and it was like we'd known each other forever. I hope we can do it again soon. (And I did actually have my knitting with me but I never felt like bringing it out.)
    As for the camera, well, I would be way to intimidated to take pictures in front of you. snerk.
    I'm sorry about the hotel knitting fiasco - I hope you were able to get things back together. And I bet that school is very old school.

  3. I'm so glad you got to have dinner with Carole and Dale. And I'm sorry about the knitting. I hope you were able to get everything picked up and recrossed without too much fuss.

    I still have the dreams where I wander aimlessly as I try to remember what class I should be in. Yes, I really am as deep as a mud puddle. *L*


  4. I live in "America's Dairyland" and I've never seen ANYTHING like that car before!

  5. Holy crap, those lockers look familiar! Now I'll have nightmares for weeks...
    Utmost sympathy on the broken needle. I hope you brought some "spare" knitting, just in case.
    The cow car could have been worse - could have been a giant bug. (Let's all take a moment and try to imagine what sound *that* horn would have made...)

  6. whoa! flashback! We used to live just outside providence (well along the ct border side) for years and i remember seeing a car like that in warwick before! but that was a good 15 years ago!!! So sorry about your broken needles

  7. Oh stuck in a hotel room with no knitting! And those lockers -- I could smell them!

  8. OK that's it. Your life is too fabulous.

    Luv the school pix.

    Unrepentantly Old School in NYC

  9. Is that a car full of cowtippers?! I love that the horned moooed.

    I am excited about ICFBD. I am going to find me some gelato for breakfast.

  10. Anonymous8:40 AM

    I would give those lockers a circa 1970 dating, as they are about the exact same ones that were put in our new high school at that time. But the rest of the school look older. The wear on the kickplate of the door tells some tales...


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