Tuesday, November 27, 2007



phone ringing sound
Me: Hey Pat, I have a question for you.
(Pat is the director of the Community Dining Room , the local soup kitchen serving meals 7 days a week to adults, children & families, as well as offering other services, to a string of towns in our area.)

Pat: Hi Gale. How'd that work out last month when you cooked for us here? You locked yourself out the back door and left me that frantic message?

Me: (trying to gloss over embarrassing incident gracefully) ummm, yeah.... I have a question. I saw a flyer somewhere for a Mitten Tree you have? A friend & I have this group of knitters we organized and we'd like to support a local project, and since some of us already cook for you at the .....

Pat: A tree? With knitted things? That sounds wonderful! We've never had one, I am so thrilled you want to set this up.

Me: No, Pat, I meant, um, I saw this flyer asking for handknits and...

Pat: Our clients need hats and mittens and scarves and it is SO WONDERFUL you're offering to organize this.

Me: Um, really,I thought I saw this flyer.... maybe at the library?

Pat: Oh, Gale, we so appreciate this, we'll talk later this week, I have to run, and thanks SO MUCH FOR STARTING THIS FOR US, I can't wait to set it up at the end of December after the holidays.

Me: (voice trailing off , as Pat hangs up) no, but, wait, Pat? I thought there already was a mitten tree.....

It seems I've started the Tree of Warmth Project. Knitters wanted!!!!

Please, if you can spare a pair of mitts or a hat or a scarf, the Tree of Warmth Project will provide much needed protection from the chill , starting at the end of December. About 30% of the need is for children, all sizes, the rest is adults of both genders and all ages.

If you're in the general New Haven / shoreline area I can pick up your knits, otherwise send me an email (or if you comment, please be sure you leave an address for reaching you!!) and I'll give you my mailing address. I know every single thing will be appreciated.
• • • • • • • • • • • • •


  1. Da da da DAAA! Knitters are coming to the rescue*!!!!

    I'll have atleast a hat made. My mom purchased hats- she can't crochet due to arthritis, but wanted to help. I'll have all on Weds.

    *While we're on the subject of super heroes, can I wear a cape?? I mean, if I'm going to be a knitting super hero, I should wear a cape, right?? lol

  2. Isn't it amazing how we get ourselves into these things? LOL

  3. Anonymous4:22 PM

    Dang she is good! Wonder if I can borrow Pat to talk to my boss about a raise?

    Wont be able to actually knit something to send to you but will post a plea on my blog and hopefully that will help.

  4. Anonymous4:23 PM

    good lord, that sounded terrible that I can't knit something up for you. I've got Christmas deadline and baby to be deadline or I would knit up something to help!

  5. Anonymous9:26 PM

    I should have mentioned, the first deadline is end of December but we're aiming to keep the tree filled al throuhg January for ongoing chilly weather- so, after holiday knitting gladly happili and gratefully accepted! (Ok, maybe a new baby the might take up a little of your time :-) Debbie but for everyone else, a flex deadline).

  6. You had me at the "phone ringing sound".

    I just finished a really nice neck gaiter for a really nice neighbor who's going to colder weather soon and I want to knit another.

    You got my e-mail addy, just tell me where to send it.

    Signing off to cast on!

  7. hello gale! love the photo w this post:: poignant. i'd love to get a print:: would you sell me one? (knitted capes for knitting superheroes! love it!!) and mitten trees make me tear up.

  8. I saw Carole's link to this post. I have three hats for charity as part of this year's Knit Unto Others. I've promised 2 elsewhere, but I would b be happy to send you the third! Can you give me a mailing address? Email me -- aswiminknits at yahoo.

  9. Oh, all right....I guess......

    I especially like the idea of seeing some more pictures like that one! AWESOME!

    Please clue me in to the EASIEST FREE MITTEN PATTERN POSSIBLE.

    It just so happens I just bought mitten yarn.

    Pat is the best in the business, obviously. SALUTE!

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. I should have proofed that last post --sorry
    my e-mail is
    aurora@morningstarbooks dot com
    if you send me your snail mail address-- I will send a hat (probably in Jan)

  12. I love that mitten photos in this post! Beautiful. I'll get something going to bring to one Wednesday!

  13. I knit a hat for Dulaan, but missed their deadline before they closed--I'd love to send it to you. My e-mail is b13armyATyahooDOTcom

  14. I have a pair of thumb-less mittens and a matching hat made from simply soft yarm that I would send. What's the address to send them to?

  15. That photo is GORGEOUS, and I love those mittens. Such a sweet pattern! I wish I could help, but I'm not sure if I can take on anything more. Maybe I'll get in an assembly-line mode this weekend or something...

  16. Anonymous11:13 AM

    Hey Jeannette and anyone else I haven't replied to with a mailing address: I have no way to email you unless you send me an email address , good ol' Blogger is sending me your comments with No Reply as the return!


  17. larkinsmall AT yahoo DOT com

    I have a pair of mittens and a hat to send! Gee, SO GLAD you're setting this up!! :-)


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